Chapter 1

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I have now edited/rewritten this as an original story as I like the plot but do no longer really ship Ereri/Riren. You can find it here LoveBoiz and it is called 'Cast Back'. Eventually, I will also add the sequel onto this and finish that, but at the moment that is a little ways off.

This was my life. It wasn't particularly fun nor was it particularly interesting, but it was mine, and it was comfortable. And for me, that was enough.

It was a normal Monday, just like any other and as the alarm sounded I groggily lifted my arm before slamming it back down to where I perceived the obnoxious beeping coming from. And deciding I should get up if I didn't want to be late, I dragged myself out from between the sheets and trudged my way to the kitchen, where I often started my days.

My belief was that coffee was essential to any morning routine, especially mine. And so, with a newly made cup and a bowl of cereal in front of me, I took a seat, picking up the newspaper and every now and then taking sips or bites as I looked for something to read.

The paper crumpled in my hands as I flicked from page to page but nothing particularly interesting really seemed to be going on in the world at this moment. Thus eventually deciding on solving the morning crossword instead, I finished off my coffee, and by that time I was already running late for work.

To many people, my job might not seem like much, but after a lifetime of anything but normal and then a few years in the military, a normal job was what I wanted - at least at the time that's what I thought. Nevertheless, I'd made friends which were tolerable and it earnt me enough money to support myself, what more could I want?

I finished pulling on a pair of jeans and a relatively casual button-up shirt before slipping some shoes on and heading out, twirling my keys around my finger after locking the door behind me. The breeze in the air was cool and satisfying, tousling my raven hair and pushing the scent of spring my way as I casually made my way down the street and towards this mornings fun packed shift.

However, my good mood was immediately shattered on arriving at the cafe. I was instantly greeted by the usual screech in my ear, and the gut feeling that something, somewhere was dying, that came along with it. "Levi!" She screeched again pulling me into another tight hug.

"What do you want shitty glasses?" I grimaced, shoving her off and heading behind the counter, picking up my apron and tying it tight around my waist.

"Aww come on Levi," she sighed, trailing behind me like a lost puppy of some description, "is it really that much of a crime to be happy to see you?"

"In your case Hanji, yes it is."

She quietened, thankfully paying me no more attention and instead took her place behind the counter as the first customers of the day began to filter in.

Today we had a lot of our regulars which was always nice, it meant that with them I didn't have to make as much of an effort to not look 'like I wanted to kill them' as stated by Hanji when I first started, since over time they had grown accustomed to my lack of facial expressions. Although, new customers were a different story and at times I'm surprised Erwin hasn't fired me based on the sheer number of complaints from people supposedly receiving my 'death stares'.

Still, it was times like this when we were at our busiest and despite the many scoldings I've received from Erwin to 'play nice' with the customers they have admitted to me on numerous occasions that at these times they would not be able to cope without me.

As the final customer of the early morning rush disappeared out of sight I took a deep breath, relaxing into the counter as I heard a small chuckle from beside me.

Capturing Flight [Riren/Ereri] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now