Chapter 9

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^ This is amazingly beautiful and I love it! TwoSetViolin are brilliant!

"Levi?" A soft voice mumbled. I felt a small shuffle next to me and cracked my eyes open a little to see half-lidded ocean eyes staring back at me.

Light had begun pouring in through the cracks in the curtains and it stung my eyes, making me just want to hold Eren close and go back to sleep. Though, groaning, I eventually managed to move, rolling onto my back and pulling Eren closer to me as I stared up at the ceiling. He didn't object, he just shuffled closer, burying his face in my neck as my arms wrapped around him.

"I don't suppose you saw a coffee machine anywhere here yesterday?" I asked, turning my head to place a soft kiss on Eren's forehead.

"No, sorry."

I sighed, sitting up and running my hand through my scruffy hair before rolling on top of him and earning a giggle as he tried to push me off.

"Since there isn't any coffee, I need something else to wake me up. Any ideas?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I pinned his wrists to the bed.

Without hesitation, he leaned up, capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. My grip on his wrists loosened and he pulled himself free, sitting up and placing his hands on my cheeks, me now straddling his lap. I moved my own hands to his waist, drawing him in closer until our bodies were pressed flush together.

"Did that help?" Eren asked, breaking the kiss with a string of saliva between us.

"Immensely." I rested my forehead against Eren's, feeling his still naked body against my own as I ran my hands down his torso. "We should get up though." I murmured, slowly breaking away and stepping away from the crumpled white sheets.

I began to search the floor for my clothes, picking them up slowly and throwing them onto my body one by one. Looking up to Eren, he was still lying lazily on the bed, making no effort to move and seemingly quite content just watching me get dressed.

"You know we means me and you, right?" I queried, catching his eye as I pulled my trousers on. It's not that I particularly wanted to get up. If I could have, I would have stayed in bed with him all day, but if we were going to make it to my uncle before sundown we couldn't waste much more time.

But when Eren just flopped back into the sheets groaning incoherent words I sighed, picking his clothes up off the floor myself and placing them on the bed for him.

"Don't get used to me doing stuff for you brat," I grumbled, perching on the edge of the bed to pull on my shoes as he dragged himself out from beneath the avalanche of sheets.

"Do you have to keep calling me brat?" he challenged.

"Maybe if you stop acting like a brat I'll stop calling you one," I suggested and he groaned moving to the pile of clothes I had assembled for him. Sluggishly he began to pull them on until he looked somewhat presentable.

+ + +

"Levi, are we almost there yet?" Eren groaned, his voice piercing the silence as he rested his head against the window, staring out into nothing.

The journey was long, strenuous, but bearable - sweet Home Alabama had thankfully mysteriously stopped playing when something hit the CD tray quite hard...

"Yeah, not too much longer now."

We had already been driving for over half the day and the sun was already nearing the horizon. I could already see the infamous city in the distance. Towering buildings penetrating the sky as if they were a placed by the gods themselves as a way to ascend Olympus. The skyline was magnificent, there was no other way to describe it, reds and oranges began to mix behind the dark silhouettes of some buildings and others made of glass reflected the beautiful light. Seeing it after all these years sent a shiver up my spine, and I took a deep breath knowing this was it, we were really doing this.

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