Chapter 8

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SMUT WARNING! This is only my second time writing smut so I'm sorry if it's terrible...

"I don't understand," Eren whispered, pulling away from me as my hand dropped back to my side.

What didn't he understand? I thought I had made my intentions quite clear.

"Before, you said nothing could happen between us...?"

"I was wrong."

He looked at me in disbelief, as if he couldn't comprehend the words that just left my mouth.

There was a deathly silence as the expression on his face started to soften. He took a step back towards me, seemingly unsure of what his next action should be as his eyes wandered the ground.

"You were wrong?"

"Yes brat, I was. Don't make me repeat it again," I said, taking a step forward as well. I pressed against the space between us until it dissipated completely and I placed my hand back on his cheek, warm and soft, dragging his eyes up to meet mine. "Come on, we should go."

He nodded and I once again let my hand fall as he began to walk back past me. I allowed what had just happened to settle in my mind for a moment. A feeling of happiness swarmed in my chest as I also started towards my door, a smile gracing my lips.

+ + +

We were on our eleventh listening of Sweet Home Alabama and it was driving me up a metaphorical wall. I glanced towards Eren who was in the passenger seat, his mouth settled in a frown as he leant on his elbow, staring idly out of the window, deep in thought.

"You ok?" I asked as he casually turned to face me.

"Yeah," he smiled, "Although, just wondering - where are we going? You never actually said."

"My uncle has somewhere we could stay for a while." I grimaced at the thought of having to see him again, but this was how I was going to keep Eren safe. "The police won't be able to find us there so we can stay until everything settles down."

"Ok," he replied, turning back to his window, and I back to my driving.

Although the entire time, I couldn't escape the thoughts that plagued my mind. Eren was beautiful and cute, in a bratty sort of way. But I had started something with him now, that maybe I shouldn't have - yet that didn't change the fact that I wanted it.

He caught my eye again smiling that infectious smile of his, and catching it, I once again turned my focus back to the road.

It would be a long journey to my uncle's place; evidentally I had moved across the county in my efforts to avoid him and now we were paying the consequences. Sweet Home Alabama I could now say I hated. I knew all the lyrics back to front, upside down, you name it. Unlike Eren though, I couldn't sleep through it, I had to stay awake, keep driving and keep listening to that fucking song.

After hours without rest, the sun finally began to set causing the world around us to dim and the most beautiful display of reds and oranges to be seen on the horizon. I was sure that I was not the only one who wanted a break and we needed to fill up the tank, so with that in mind I took the next exit available, seeing signs to a gas station and motel.

+ + +

"Eren...?" I whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking him lightly until I saw his eyes flicker.

We had pulled up outside a motel a few minutes ago and I had spent that time debating whether I should wake him up or not. However, the realisation that I couldn't carry him, even if I had wanted to, was painfully reminded to me in a futile attempt to lift my left arm any higher than perpendicular to the rest of my body.

Capturing Flight [Riren/Ereri] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now