Chapter 4

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At the bottom, I burst through the door, out onto the street and glanced around, searching for him. God why was I acting so erratically, this wasn't like me, it wasn't like me at all.

But then I spotted something, twenty or so meters down the road. I didn't think about it. I should have thought about it but it was too late for that.

Eren was pinned against the wall by some guy in a suit, tears flooding down his face - what was I supposed to do?

It doesn't matter. I did what any rational person stumbling upon this situation would have done - didn't I?

It was all such a blur of colours and feelings, but I remember a sharp pain in my fist - the guy in the suit was on the ground.


I grabbed him by the arm, picking up the bag on the way past as I dragged him back towards my apartment - he'd be safe there.

"Fuck! No! Stop!" Eren was screaming, thrashing behind me, but I tightened my grip, walking faster, "We can't go back there! They'll already be there waiting!"

"What the fuck are you talking about brat?" I snarled snapping my neck around to see him trying desperately to escape my grip.

"That guy was a police officer! You hit a fucking police officer to help me!" He screamed tears still overflowing from his eyes as he thrashed more, clawing at my hand.

My eyes widened taking in what he'd just said - did that mean they'd be after me too now, for assault or aiding and abetting or whatever?

"Stop fucking struggling brat." I snapped again, though dragging us into an alleyway, out of public view. I took a few deep breaths, clearing my head before looking back at him, calmer this time, "What do we do?"

Suddenly, sirens sounded from all around us, surrounding us in all directions - oh my god, we were trapped. I looked towards Eren who seemed to be in pieces himself, I had to do this by myself, get us out of this mess.

The stitches meant he still couldn't run properly so I picked him up again, just as I had done earlier, and I ran. My legs were burning, but I ran; my head was spinning, but I ran - further and further into the alleyway until the sirens became nothing more than distant cries and I felt like we were losing them. My legs throbbed under the crushing strain and only once they were screaming at me did I finally stop, setting Eren down.

He had ceased crying by this point, that was a plus, but I was too fucking tired to care anymore, this was all that damn brats fau-

"Hands up!" A yell came from behind us and before I knew it I was standing face to face with a gun, it's barrel pointed firmly at my head as I raised my hands. Erens glance flicked between me and the gun as he followed my lead, slowly lifting his arms above his head. But I couldn't help but notice there was only one...

"Where're your friends?" I asked nonchalantly, scanning the officer up and down. He didn't appear to have a very muscular build and had quite a short stature - I could take him.

I took a small step towards Eren hoping he would be within earshot of me and allowed my arms to droop a little as I did so-

"I-I said hands up!" The police officer shouted again, his gun shaking along with his hand and I stopped, lifting my hands obviously higher for him to see.

It was evident he was new to the job, even if he did have the guts to actually shoot, with a shaky hand like that he'd never land a clear shot. So I took my chances.

"Eren, listen to me-"

"Shut up!" The officer shouted again at me, beads of sweat rolling down his face as he began to speak into his radio, "I've got them, I need backup ASAP."

"Eren," I tried again, though quiet enough that we wouldn't be overheard, "when I shout go, you are going to run behind the corner there and find somewhere to hide, don't come out for anyone but me, ok?"

I waited a few moments but no reply came.

"Eren," I growled, needing an answer.

But when it came, his voice was so quiet, so soft, "What's your name?"

Should I tell him? I turned so I could see him out of the corner of my eye, his eyes were sparkling with unshed tears, clouding his vision and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him in this messed up situation we were in...


"Ok, Levi. When you say go, I'll run." He mumbled, forcing a small smile.

I turned my attention back to the policeman, the gun was still aimed at me - good. I just needed to wait for the right moment...

And then it happened, the radio buzzed and a voice sounded from the other end, the officer's focus faltered, if only for a second but it was our second.

"Go!" I yelled and I heard footsteps charge off behind me, I didn't waste the opportunity and rushed towards the officer. On his face was a look of pure terror as he fiddled with his gun, me all the while getting closer until I heard a bang-

Pain shot through my shoulder like an electric shock, searing white hot pain spreading through my body, but it didn't stop me for long, I grabbed the gun, pulling it from his grasp before landing a hard blow on the side of his face, knocking him to the ground. The cold metal was smooth against my fingers, bringing back memories of a past long forgotten as I flicked the safety on, deciding on shoving it into my waistband before turning and running.

After everything I'd been through I never thought it would be like this - getting shot. I don't really know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. My shoulder burned and throbbed as it oozed blood and I gripped it tighter still with my other hand.

Rounding the corner I kept an eye out for Eren, I had told him to run and hide. I knew he'd be around here somewhere, but what I didn't expect to see was him, not running not hiding but standing right in the middle of the sidewalk. Stupid brat.

I ran up to him, grabbing his hand as I passed, before once again pulling him along with me, but this time there was no struggle and although there were tears flowing again he seemed ok - and that was enough for me?

"Levi?" Eren murmured from behind me, "I heard a shot...?"

"It's fine, it was just my shoulder," I reassured him and he nodded, accepting my answer. "I know of a motel nearby, we could stay there for the night?"

Capturing Flight [Riren/Ereri] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now