Chapter 5

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The door swung open and Eren was first in the room. There were two single beds, a small bathroom and a table. But the real problem for me wasn't any of that - the room was absolutely fucking filthy.

I sighed, shaking my head as I stepped inside, only to see Eren already on one of the beds, seemingly quite comfortable. So, once the door was closed behind me I set the small backpack down before heading to the bathroom. It was nothing special, but it had all the essentials; I looked in the mirror, finally seeing the damage done as crimson continued to drip from my left shoulder. And as I took my shirt off for a better view, only then I noticed that the bullet had not come out the other side - it was still inside me.

"Eren!" I called grabbing his attention as he sat up on the bed. "I need you to find me a first aid kit."

His eyes flicked to my bare torso, then to the bullet wound before landing on the gun still in my waistband.

"You kept the gun?" He mumbled looking down at the ground.

"Yes, I did," I said pulling it out and walking over to the table, setting it down, "Now will you please go find me a first aid kit?"

He finally nodded, albeit hesitantly, and jumped off the bed, "I'll go ask for one at the front desk."

A moment later he was already out the door and I sat down on the bed he hadn't already claimed, trying not to think about what I'd have to do to get this bullet out of me. The beige sheets crumpled beneath my weight as I kicked my shoes off, leaning back into the soft pillow.

In just a day I had lost everything, my home, my freedom, my life. I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I hadn't helped the brat. I would still have everything. But was that enough anymore?

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair as I waited for his imminent return to the room. And as if on cue I heard a soft knock on the door, followed shortly by the handle twisting and me being greeted once again by those bright green eyes.

"Is this ok?" He asked holding up a green box and I nodded before he made his way across the room, handing me the box as he perched on the edge of my bed.

Upon opening the box, I first pulled out some antiseptic wipes, cleaning my hands as well as around the bullet hole. But the next bit was what I was dreading - I took a long deep breath before sticking my fingers into the hole - fuck it hurt. Every move I made my shoulder screamed out in agony, sending electricity searing through my veins and I groaned as I stuck my fingers in deeper, searching for the bullet amongst the sea of red.

"Oh my god...Levi..." Eren sounded almost pained as he watched me digging into my own body, eyes wide with shock.

But then I found it, I clasped the bullet between my fingers before slowly pulling it out of the hole. Not caring as I dropped it to the bed, it staining the sheets red upon contact. I then glanced at Eren who still appeared to be in shock.

"Eren?" I asked as softly as I could, snapping him out of his daze, "I need you to find a needle and thread it for me, ok?"

"Ok." He continued to stare at me but at least he did as I said, though it took him several attempts to thread the needle before handing it to me.

Well here goes nothing - I began to stitch the skin back together just as I had with Eren, apart from this time I was doing it one handed and I could feel the needle moving through my skin. Yet, in the long run, it wasn't so bad, not compared to getting shot or having to run with a bullet still embedded in my shoulder. So I kept silent as I finished up the stitching, it wasn't as cleanly done as I would have liked, but it would have to do.

Capturing Flight [Riren/Ereri] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now