Chapter 16

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Jonah's Point of View:
After dinner all the kids were running and playing inside. While the parents talked to each other. One of the kids pushed Alex over, making her cry. Payton ran over to her once she saw some blood on her knee. She took Alex into kitchen to clean her up. I followed.

"Hey beautiful, are you okay," I asked Alex.

"No, blood," was all I could make out through her cries.

"It's okay, how about we clean you up wipe those tears away and we both go out there and play hide and seek," I said

"Yes, hide and seek, hide and seek," she cheered.

I wiped her little tears away. And sat on the counter with her while Payton cleaned her knee up.

"Okay all done baby can you go and play with one of your uncles or aunties. I need to talk to Jonah," Payton asked Alex, placing her done onto the floor.

"But hide and seek," Alex said.

"I'll be right there okay," I said.

She ran out of the kitchen going to find someone to play in the mean time.

"She really likes you," Payton said. I smiled at her.

"Um about before," Payton started but I cut her off.

"Before made me realize that I made a stupid mistake leaving you. I missed you, I missed you smile and your laugh, holding you at night. I wasn't using you for sex, I meant it. I just got very pissed of at someone who thought your life was a joke, that guy deserves to get what coming to him. I love you so fucking much, but I know you probably don't care for me anymore," I spoke to Payton.

You could see tears building up in her eyes getting ready to spill.

"There is something I should have told you. I was pregnant," she said.

"What," was all I could say.

"I was pregnant with your kid, but I lost it a couple of weeks ago. Even ask Esther, I wouldn't leave my room. Alex had to stay with my dads. I need you in my life," she cried.

"Can we please try this again," she asked.

Instead of answering her I just kissed her.

Drama is coming soon

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