Chapter 21

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3 weeks later:

Payton's Point of View:
I sat in the bathroom of this stupid cabin where I've been locked away in for 3 weeks, with Ben out somewhere with he's "friends" getting high and drunk. Alex was sitting in the small living area eating her breakfast and watching 'in the night garden'.

I had a positive pregnancy test sitting in front of my eyes, just sitting looking at it with NO emotions. If it wasn't for Alex I would walk out of this room and stab my self in the stomach with a knife, I do not want this baby. (sorry that's so dark, just trying to make it more emotional). What was I going to do? Good thing is I know Ben's routine, every Tuesday he will go to his "friends" at 6am until 12pm. It was 1pm, Alex's nap time she is normally out for about 2 hours. 

I need to somehow get the phone off Ben to call someone. Yes, the only phone we have is always in his back pocket and when he's home he locks it away. I decided to put the pregnancy test in the bin under everything Ben wouldn't find it, and walked to the bedroom that Ben and I would share if I was good. That's half of the reason I let him do what he wants so I don't have to sleep handcuffed to the old bed in the basement.

I threw on a new shirt since I had a little blood stain on the old one. I dug through his draws and his junk in the bedroom until I found a black flip phone. I still remember Jonah's phone number. I opened the phone and thanked the gods it had charge still left on it. This must be the phone he has for all his drug deals and shit. I typed in Jonah number, and called. I called him 4 times before I got any answer.

"Who the fuck is this," he answered the phone in a tired, angry voice.

"J..J....Jonah," I studded worried that maybe he didn't care about me.

I mean it has been 3 weeks and still no sign from police, Jonah or my parents trying to find me.

"Payton, where the hell are you," he screamed down the phone.

"I'm uh I don't know it a cabin in the woods somewhere near LA, Alex is with me. And Ben is out somewhere. Please Jonah tell the police. I don't know what to do if he comes home and finds out that I called you and that I'm pregnant," I was crying by the end.

"Oh sweet heart. Please don't cry the police are with me now they are tracking the phone just stay on the line," he said.

"Okay," I said.

At that moment I heard something outside the door. It was probably just Alex telling me she was finished eating. So I went to open the door.

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