X. Dalvin's Slingshot

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"Want a cookie?"

I stand on the chair next to the counter in order to reach the cups. I couldn't climb because my knee has been hurting since I fell three days ago. Dalvin's still got the chicken pox and Don is here for the fourth night in the row. We always end up waking up in the middle of the night. I get up to get a glass of water and he gets up for milk. I knew he'd be up tonight and Big Mama made cookies so I just poured two cups of milk.

Don sits down in front of the milk that is his. "I don't know." He says and I look back at him with a crazy face. "I'm just playing," he laughs out. I get him a cookie and set it in front of him. He thanks me and I sit down in my seat too. It's quiet at first because we both have cookies in our mouth. But then, I start talking.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Okay, I tell you secrets all the time," he says.

It's true, he does.

I laugh and sit up in my seat. "I think I like you a little bit more than Javon... not a lot but just a little bit. Like," I hold up my fingers and make a tiny space. "This much." He doesn't say anything, he only smiles and bites his cookie. "Don't tell him I said that." I love Javon, he is my only brother but anybody who gives me piggyback rides without asking, deserves a chocolate milkshake! "You promise?"

"I promise."

I look him and he looks back. "Okay, I'm going to bed now so you should too."

I slide out of the chair and put my cup in the sink before I go back to bed. I had a hard time going to sleep but once I did I was so sleepy. I slept all the way in until nine o'clock. When I woke up Big Mama had made up french toast and sausage. Then, we had to get ready for the bake sale that starts at noon. Don got dressed, then Javon, and then I did. Big Mama put on her hat and we were out. When we got to the church I saw the best thing I could see all day.

My eyes get big when I see my third most favorite boy in the world. "OH MY POD!" All of my elders give me a strange look. I only say pod because I can't say God, it'd be wrong to use his name in vain. That's not important right now, look at my best friend! I run over to him. "Dalvin!" He smiles and I hug him. "Oh my– Dal, if you ever get the chicken pox ever again, I promise I will touch you so we can have them together! Do you know how I bored I was? Jesus!"

"Watch that mouth!"

I duck down and flex my neck muscles. Dalvin laughs at me and sits down. I sit down right next to him with my cheeks burning from how hard I'm grinning. "You missed me?" He asks playing with the button on his shirt. It's kind of distracting so maybe he should stop it.

"Man, you bet I did! Do you know how much it sucks having to watch the boys play baseball by myself? Don was in my Big Mama's house drinking all the milk and he'd play connect four with me but it's not that fun without you! Then, he's really bad at goldfish– I mean, go-fish. I beat him like five times in a row! Five times, Dalvin! Him and Javon kept leaving me in the store when I was trying to find you a birthday gift. Hey, did you like it? Did you have fun on your birthday? Answer me, Dalvin!"

He blinks a couple of times and shakes his head before he winds back up on the earth. He spaced out just like Don. You can tell their brothers. "It was fun. I just got rid of these things yesterday but Derek ain't too lucky. I really like the slingshot, thanks!" He whips it out if his back pocket. "Don't tell them I brought it." I nod my head, giving him my solemn swear. I swear I won't tell on him! I can't tell on him, he's my best friend! "I take this everywhere. Wanna' go in the back and do target practice?"


We run to the back after snagging five empty, or half drunk, cans of cola. I line them all up in a perfect straight line. We get to taking turns with his slingshot and the pebbles we got from the dirt road of the alley way.

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