V. In Session

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"Cynthia Evans?"

The one place she isn't too fond of, is the place she is forced to attend every single day. She does not hate school, she does not hate learning. She hates waking up too early by force, she hates having to be restricted to one seat for 55 minute class periods, she hates being threatened with a referral because her favorite cheer practice top shows her bra straps. Cynthia hates all of these things but there are millions more that outshine them.


Mr. Dobson scribbles on his clipboard. "Okay, everyone try to stay seated until the bell–" A loud ringing echoes through Hidden Valley High that forces everyone to leap from their seats, leaving the chemistry classroom to push their heels to toes in efforts of making it to their next class.

Walking as she is glancing down at her schedule on paper, Cynthia realizes that it is her lunch period. On the first day school students are obligated to remain on campus the entire day. The moment Cynthia recalls this rule, she groans as she walks to her locker. As she stands at her locker, Marlene shimmys up to the side of her. "Lunch?" Cynthia nods her head with a smile, a smile that Marlene will naturally return. "Walk with me, Tasha's in the counselor's office... they really fucked up her schedule." Cynthia laughs while shutting her locker.

Marlene and Cynthia lock arms as they enter the cafeteria. To the far left is the breaks of Hidden Valley High. They have their boombox sitting on the seat of the tables next to their feet, blasting the single tape of the song RUN DMC released this past May. "My Adidas walk through concert doors and roam all over coliseum floors! I stepped on stage, at Live Aid, all the people gave an applause that paid!" Cynthia's head naturally begins to bob at the memories this being Javon's favorite song at the time of its release. She is scanning the entire cafeteria in search who how many of her other friends have this period lunch.

"Cyn!" Marlene nudges Cynthia as she points at a large table fool of cheerleaders. "Cyn, Marlene, over here!" Marlene drags Cynthia over to the table with a bright smile. At this table is Iris, Felicia, Ginger, Amanda, and Paulette. Felicia is the main voice of the table. "What's going on?"

Cynthia shakes her head, still looking around the cafeteria, and says, "Nothing much... looking for Dalvin."

"Oh, I saw him earlier, he's looking for you!"

As Cynthia stands up at her seat to look for Dalvin, the table of cheerleaders begins to go on their usual rants of who is hotter than the next. "What about Don?" Ginger questions pointing across the room. Ginger, being the newest addition to Hidden Valley High, has no idea of the bond she is about to test.

Cynthia is not paying attention as Marlene's palms begin to sweat. She watches Cynthia and Don make eye contact as he smiles at her. Though he is frankly looking at Cynthia, Marlene cannot help but feel her own butterflies by the look in his eyes. Marlene inhales a deep breath as she watches Don. The way he is on the total opposite side and still managed to notice Cynthia across the way made Marlene blush for a small moment before her conscience snapped her out of her daze.

"What about Don," Marlene asks with a laugh.

Ginger's head tilts with a hint of curiosity. "I mean, he's cute isn't he? I heard he was a little on the dim side though so... it's kind of sad. He's so fine but I can't he with a guy who doesn't know the square root of two as a senior," says Ginger. All eyes snap on her and she looks around cluelessly. "What'd I say?"

Paulette shakes her head with a whistle. "Oooh, girl..."

Cynthia turns around to face the group of girls, specifically Ginger. "And so who told you that?" Ginger had no idea of the two's friendship but she'll definitely find out today. When Ginger reports her source as her cousin, her cousin named Talia, Cynthia can only laugh. "If Don was dumb he wouldn't be able to maintain his 3.0 to stay on the swim team. If Don was dumb, he wouldn't be able to play Beat It in reverse while blindfolded, alright?"

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