XXI. Eye to Eye

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The damage Cynthia had done was beyond what anyone expected. Did she care? Nope.

She extended his cast time for two weeks, making a grand total of eight weeks in his sling. Her inconsideration of his injury was the least of his problems, sadly. His mental state has been catching a great amount of his outside life's blows and the left over depression, though presumed not to be relevant, has been roughly attacking his brain. He's become attached to his own personal space. For hours upon hours, he sits in his bedroom. Even after welcoming Dalvin into his space after a major fight, that they refuse to disclose the reasoning behind, Don still remains in the four walls.

"I'm off to the mall. Me and Cyn need art supplies for that History project. You need anything?"

Don rolls over to face Dalvin as he removes his headphones from his ears. "Yeah, can you get me that Beastie Boys record? My money's on my dresser."

"Nah, it's on me. I'll be back."

Dalvin understands that after Cynthia got the two fired and Don's back to saving money for the long haul. He can see that she's not doing okay at all and for that reason, he's willing to be the absolute last person to admit how wrong she is after their last encounter four days ago. He understands that eventually everybody else will get tired of her and even though she's wrong, she is his best friend and will need somebody by her side. At the rate she has been acting toward everyone, the time is coming sooner than most think.

Upon Dalvin's exit, Don sits up as the door is closed. He picks up his phone and quietly listens to check for a clear line. He dials seven numbers with the pinky of his right hand as it holds onto the receiver and transmitter by the handle.

He places it back to his ear and allows the rings to soothe him.

"Hello," answers Paulette's mother.

Don clears his throat away from the phone. "Hi, is Paulette able to come to the phone?"

"Don, is this you?"

He laughs. "Yes, ma'am."

His voice has been dropping and dropping over time. More and more people are coming to notice as he can no longer hide it. The reputation that he's already got as the Good Guy is being tainted with adjectives such as attractive, fine, sexy. The physical looks were once a separate thing but, now, with the voice? Don's slowly becoming than just the golden boy of Hidden Valley.

Following the laughter of a parent, a few rustles can be heard. Before he knows it, the girl he is seeking gets to the phone. "Hey," she says in a cheerful mood as she falls onto her couch. "What's up."

"Nothing," mumbles Don.

She sighs at his melancholy vibrations he seems to be pushing through the phone. "Are you still mad about getting fired from Bobby's Burgers?"


Paulette nods her head, crossing her legs at the ankle on her couch, as she reads into Don's silence. She giggles a bit. "That's what happens when you throw flour on somebody. Don't start none, won't be none."

Senses beginning to tingle at an all-time high, Don straightens his posture in his bed. "I didn't start it?"

"Well..." Paulette grinds her teeth to keep from grinding at the awkward response given off by Don. "Cyn said you got mad about her flirting with some guy and embarrassed her then, you threw flour on her so she went off on you."

"What?!" Don's raising volume is not a common sight for most. This is the second time this week that he's yelled. The first time got him fired. "No!" He can't get fired from home. "She was in that fool's lap all over him. The nigga was eighteen, Letty. He going to college, he don't give a fuck about her. She looked dumb. I already know his girlfriend, she was trying to get at Dalvin! So when I went to check her in the only way she would listen, she got mad and squirted me with ketchup because her response was about Marley. What did Marley have to do with anything."

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