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Heyy all....please check out the trailer on the side hand's amazing and funny...I love it..thanks to @prettyfrickinliars for the awesome work..Enjoy the trailer and the story... 


Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone...

February 2008

The sun was slowly descending into the horizon. The orange hue of the sun mingled with the light blue color of the sky, producing a vast contrast of colors. It was a mesmerizing sight. 

Rohan felt the still-warm sand squish slowly between his toes as he happily walked down the shoreline of Colva beach. He loved beaches and visited Goa at least once a year. For him, it was a place to escape all the pressures and worries of life. He looked around, only a few handful of people were there on the beach.


The loud music was hurting her ears, she excused herself from the party and made her way to the beach where she could find some peace. She was drunk and stumbled on her way to the beach.

The beach was deserted, as most of the people were at the party, that she has just escaped from.

She stood at the shore,watching the sunset, as the waves gently caressed her feet, making her smile. 

She picked up a pebble, threw it aiming it at the waves. It hurled forward, but instead of hitting the waves, it hit a man who was standing at some distance away.

"Oww!" He exclaimed and turned around rubbing his neck.

She gasped and ran towards him. 

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to," she said apologising.

"It's okay, I'm fine," he assured and gently smiled.

She gave a sheepish smile and said "I'm Suzanne by the way."

"Rohan, nice to meet you," he said and they shook hands.

"Same here," Suzanne said looking at him and smiling.

"So, what brings you to Goa?" Rohan asked her, running hands through his hair. She gawked at his strong biceps.

"Umm, I'll be starting college this year. My friends and I wanted to enjoy the Valentine in the Goa, what about you?" She replied still eyeing his arms.

"Valentine in Goa, huh? You here with your boyfriend?" He asked tilting his head and raising his eyebrow.

She smiled knowingly, why he asked that. 

"Does that matter?" she said playing with a strand of her hair.

"No, not really. I'm pretty sure you are single," he said grinning and winked.

"Ah! Really? Why would you say that?" Suzanne played along.

"No man would leave a beautiful girl like you on her own" he said with deliberate innocence.

"Haha! That's so lame, flirt!" she said mockingly.

He put a hand on his heart playing hurt, and they both laughed.

"I'm really starting to like your company, we should hang out sometime. So how long you are planning on staying?" he asked curiously. 

"Me too" she said smiling and then her face turned serious, she looked sad.

"We're leaving tomorrow" she said in a gloomy tone. 

"Oh," was all he could say. He felt sad she was leaving, and he wouldn't be able to see her again.

Suzanne was loving his company, it hardly had been ten minutes and she was really comfortable with him. 'It's strange,' she thought.

They both stood silently, not knowing what else to say.

She eyed his well built body. He wore a sleeveless white shirt with the buttons opened, showing his perfectly shaped chest and abs. His chiseled features made him look deliciously handsome, he looked like a sex God in the dark light of the setting sun. She gulped the lump that had formed in her throat while she was checking him out. He smirked, she felt her cheeks warm up with embarrassment and looked away.

Rohan stood there watching Suzanne, she was breathtakingly beautiful. Her big innocent eyes, her soft pink lips, her lively smile and her fair skin that glowed under the dim light. He was lost in her eyes, it never occurred him to check her assets. That was a first for him.

Suzanne turned to see Rohan gazing at her, she felt herself melting under his gaze. But he didn't take his eyes off her.

Kiss him, a voice in her head said. 

"What?" She blurted out.

"I-I w-was u-uh..." He fumbled for words.

He scolded himself for behaving like a fool. What was wrong with him? For the first time in life, he was at loss of words. He was nervous, talking to a girl.

"Shit!" He cursed under his breath.

Suzanne chuckled at his reaction and saw him blush as he looked away.

"Why aren't you at the party?" He asked her.

"I wanted some peace and beach was the first place that came to my mind," she answered.

"Hmm, true. You wanna go in the water?" He asked her.

"Sure," she said and started walking into the water.

The water reached their waists now, a strong wave bore upon them, making Suzanne lose her balance.

Rohan grabbed her waist and pulled her close, bringing them close, so close, he could feel her body against his. His heartbeat picked up, and his breathing grew heavier.

Suzanne too was aware of their sudden proximity, Rohan's burning hot body shot waves of sensation through her.

Slowly, she looked up to see those hazel brown eyes staring right into hers, making her shudder. 

'I'll never forget these eyes,' she thought. He had the most alluring eyes she had ever seen.

He brought his hands up to her face, his thumb drawing along the soft line of her jaw, he heard the swift intake of her breath. 

He lifted her face to his, and slightly brushed his lips with her's...


So was it?? Hope u liked it...if you liked it, please don't forget to comment,vote and like it... :) 

Please don't be confused seeing the comments as I merged chapter 1&2 and posted prologue in place of chapter-1.. :) 

Enjoy reading...I'm still editing so if there are mistakes please don't be annoyed, I'll get it fixed soon.. :)

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