Chapter-4 Some Realizations...

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YAY!! I posted a new chapter, hope , if you like it pleasedon't forget to vote. comment and enjoy reading.. :)


Chapter-5 Some Realizations...


I opened my eyes to meet the red wall. Wait! Where was I? Then it dawned on me that we had stayed at Neha's. My head was pounding. It felt as if my brain was banging against the inside of my head.

I headed for the bathroom to wash my face. The cold water sobered the pain a bit. I decided to take a bath and turned the hot water on. The water relieved my sore body and I could feel my muscles relaxing.

I changed and went to the kitchen, making myself a chocolate shake and sandwich. I was eating when my phone rang.

"Hey mom!" I said, happy that she had called.

"How are you my angel?" She asked affectionately.

"I’m fine mom. How are you?"

"I’m good, kid. When are you coming home?" She inquired.

"I don't know yet mom. We have our class tests," I replied.

"Okay dear, just let me know when you'll be coming. I miss you," she whispered softly.

I sighed and said, "Miss you too mom, love you. Don't be sad I'll come home soon."

"Love you too. Take care. I gotta go now," and she hung up.

After a while Neha and Arpita came down.

"It's a very fine morning," Arpita said smiling.

"Yeah we can go shopping," chirped Neha. She's always ready to shop. They both looked at me.

"It's fine with me, but please wake up Mitali and Ria,” I said.

Two hours later we pulled into a new complex, which was a 15 minute drive from Neha's place. She told us that it has a nice clothing collection. It was a busy afternoon with all the shopping we had done.

Neha bought three dresses for her and some tops, I bought some cosmetics and a pair of flats. Ria got some accessories and Mitali bought shorts and tank top.We also bought some grocery, as we were staying at Neha's for a week. Our hands were full of bags.

"I'm tired," Mitali complained.

"Let's get something to eat," Ria suggested.

Neha was driving, when I spotted the ice-cream parlor.

"What about ice-cream guys? It'll be refreshing" I stated.

"YES!" Everyone replied in unison.

Neha parked the car and we all went inside the parlor. I saw the chalk menu board. There were so many flavors. I read all of them and decided to take a scoop of butterscotch and dark chocolate with a chocolate cone. Neha and Ria ordered salted caramel with butterscotch while Mitali ordered hot chocolate fudge with vanilla ice cream.

We walked out with our ice-creams. The weather was awesome, the cool wind was brushing my face and the scent of roses it carried with it was wonderful.

Ria stopped and faced all of us.

"Guys! Remember we have to start gymming?"

"When did we decide that?" I asked frowning. Ria narrowed her eyes at me.

"You never pay attention to what we are talking. Maybe you missed this too!" She accused.

I looked at all four of them and they gave me a it's-your-mistake look.

"I don't need to work-out. I'm fine," I retorted.

"Oh yes you do. Not because you are unfit but because you need it more than any of us," snapped Mitali.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion, I was perfectly fit and in shape.

This time it was Arpita who answered, "Haven't you seen yourself Suzanne? Your life is a mess. You don't know what you are doing and what you want. You are always lost in your own world. You wander like you are a ghost. You of all people need to keep yourself busy and involved so that you can get out of those memories that you have held onto since a year and a half."

She was fuming with anger and the pain was clear on her face.

Arpita took a breath before continuing, "You need to let it go, we've had enough and we can't take it anymore. You need to give yourself a second chance and let go of that bastard and all the bad memories he gave you. That son of a bitch is not worth it. You got it? I'll make him pay heavily for what he did to you. I will show him what hell is and what wrath is," she screamed.

My eyes widened as I registered what she was saying. I have always known Arpita as someone who was composed and calm, but right now she was none of those things. It was coming out as a shock.

"Are you listening to me?!?" Arpita yelled.

"H-huh what?" I replied coming out of my thoughts.

"Don't you “huh” me...I said if you don't let go of him, you better forget we’re your friends," she hissed angrily.

I could see she was really mad, but her last line shook me, I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

And then it all came to me, how I have been so selfish only thinking about myself, sulking all the time while they all tried their best to cheer me and all I did was, give them a fake smile. They gave their everything, they stood by me like true friends, but I hadn’t noticed it.

All their attempts were in vain, I had hurt them so much, but they still stood by me, supporting me. I had been such a bad friend. They were right I'm a mess and I needed to put it together and start living a bit. I think I really needed the scolding.

I hung my head low and answered without looking at them.

"I'm sorry you guys had to cope with me. I'll try not to be so difficult anymore."

I looked up at them feeling guilty. They were all staring at me with their hands crossed at their chest.

"So that means you'll go to the gym?" Mitali asked

"Yes," I said

"What about living your life and giving yourself second chance?" She asked.

"I'll try," I mumbled.

"No you'll not just try, you'll actually live it and if you don't we'll scare the life out of you. Understood?"

This time it was Ria yelling at me. What's with them today? Did they plan this?

"Please Suzanne, for our sake, just try to live again. Time has moved on, life is going on, no matter what, so you too should move on and let go. Time did not stop after what happened so you too should’nt either," Neha stated.

I could feel tears in my eyes and I felt so happy to have these people as my friends.

"Ok, I-I'll t-try," I stuttered, not knowing how I'll do that.

That night I laid in my bed reminiscing about what happened today. I remembered the pain on their faces when they were shouting at me. I flinched at the memory. I made a promise to myself that I would not hurt them anymore; I will try to be normal at least. I smiled and told myself 'be strong it'll pass’.

I laid there thinking about what I needed to do, it was a long list and I didn't realize when sleep took me under.

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