Chapter-7 An Old Memory..

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Heyy guys, I know my chapters have been short, but I hope you like them, here's a new chapter for you, I hope you will like it, if you do like it, don't forget to tell me, comment and vote... :)


I was rushing through the streets, in a hurry to reach his place. It has been more than a week, I haven't seen him. He was busy with his work and I didn't push him to meet me. Yesterday he called to tell he was free and asked if I can come over to his place.

I was more than happy to finally meet him, I took extra time to shower and made sure I was looking fresh. I put on my new shorts and a deep V-neck top with my new beaded flats. I brushed my hairs and left them open. I put on some mascara, a little blush and lip gloss. I checked myself in the mirror and smiled 'not bad' I thought. I picked my bag, checked it has everything I need and left the room.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the stairs ahead and tripped. Next thing I know, I was rolling down the stairs and felt the excruciating pain while I was falling. I prayed that I don't pass out all bruised, that would be pathetic. It was a long fall and took me some time to finally reach the ground. Landing on the floor with a loud thud, face first, I hurt my nose.

I lay there for some time trying to understand what just happened, I looked around and to my relief no one was around. 'Thank god, otherwise I would be embarrassed'. I saw my bag was lying at some distance from me, grunting I got up and dusted myself. I examined myself.

My hairs were a mess going in all directions, my nose was bleeding, my top was torn at places and my ankle was hurting like anything. I had minor bruises on my hands and all over my legs due to the abrasion with stairs.

"Great!!! I am going to meet him after a weak, like this" I said angrily moving my hands in air. I stomped my feet 'ouch, that hurts' picked my bag up and fumbled through its contents. I pulled out a mirror and looked at myself. I gasped 'I'm such a mess' I thought.

"Argh...F these stairs" I groaned. I straightened my hairs, wiped my nose and face and started walking towards his house.

I stood in front of his door and hesitated before ringing the bell. I waited for the door to open.

He opened the door with a smiling face knowing it was me "hey sw...." his smile faded and his face was serious. 'Oh god do I look that bad' I panicked, my head was spinning due to the fall and I held his door to balance myself. He leaped forward to catch me, lifted me in his arms and carried me inside. He placed me on the sofa and went to his room.

He returned with the first-aid box, and started wiping my wounds. He was very gentle while doing so and I loved his soft touch on my skin. He then came closer and started cleaning my face; I could feel his cool breath on my face and that made me smile.

"What happened?" he asked. I could sense the concern in his voice.

"I fell from the stairs" I said not looking at him and pouted my lips. I saw him smile at my face from the corner of my eyes but his face was serious again.

"How, didn't u see them?" he questioned. I stayed quiet.

"Or you were too excited to see them" he lifted his brow at me.

'He knows me so well, that's not fair' I scowled.

"What's not fair?" he asked amused.

I realized I said it aloud and smiled sheepishly at him "nothing".

"Here, take this shirt and change. Your top is ruined." He handed me his black shirt.

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