14. the bully's warning

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She looks so sad and hurt.

I notice the tears rolling down her cheeks slowly and, in that moment, all I want to do is pull her into my embrace and whisper into her ears that everything is going to be okay.

I open my mouth to ask her what's wrong but my eyes widen in shock as she suddenly walk to me and press her lip against mine.

Her eyes are shut close while I can't help but open my eyes wide in shock. She deepen the kiss and I didn't stop her. I didn't want to stop her. She taste like the aftertaste of alcohol, bitter and burning.

I close my eyes and slowly move my hands up to her back.

Kissing Hazel was like a sunny day after rain. It was happiness.

It wasn't until my cheek brush against the tears on her cheeks that I snap out of my reverie.

This isn't right. She's vulnerable right now and it's definitely because of Princess Peach. He's the only one who could hurt her this much.

I reluctantly grab her arms and pull her away from me to reveal a sobbing Hazel. My jaws tighten at the sight. That asshole is going to hurt a thousand times more than she's hurting right now.

I grab her arm and pull her into my arms, embracing her. I stand still, hugging her, while she cries into my chest.


I have no idea how I ended in this position, in Corbin's arms. I definitely had too much vodka.

"I still hate you." I mutter into his chest.

I wipe away the remaining of my tears and break away from Corbin's embrace, shocked at the fact that he's willing to hug me. I thought he hated me.

"I hate you too," Corbin replies, answering my question.

"Thanks," I say shyly with embarrassment before walking away, not daring to look him in the eye.

I walk to the bathroom and lock the door once I entered. I look at my reflection in the mirror to see a girl staring back at me with puffy red eyes and messy hair.

I brush out my hair with my fingers and tame it. I close my eyes and inhale and exhale for a few seconds before opening it again.

Since Lucas is my ride, I'll have to drag him out of the basement to take me home. Tonight never happened. I should have never come.

After composing myself, I unlock the door and open it. I get out into the hallway only to be pushed away by a couple of girls running down the hall. They seem to be in a rush to go somewhere.

I ignore them and walk down the hallway. I hear a few footsteps running behind me. I move closer to the wall so I won't get pushed this time.

"Who's fighting who?"

"I don't know but it's in the basement." I overhear the two girls say as they run past me.

A fight? In the basement?

I stare at their backs in confusion as they run into the dark.

What happened? I want to see the fight. This should be interesting.

I speed-walk down to the basement with high expectations of a fight. I've never seen a fight break out in a party before.

I push through the crowd of smelly teenagers and my jaws drop in shock at the sight unfolding right in front of me.

Lucas is on the ground, unconscious, while Corbin is on top of him, punching him again and again. Lucas looks lifeless.

"Stop!" I scream at Corbin but he's too occupied to even notice me or the crowd gathering around them.

"Corbin!" I scream even louder but he still doesn't notice me. If he continues, Lucas will definitely die.

My blood boil in anger and rage. I clench my jaw tight and step towards them. I bend down and got on my knees. When Corbin is about to throw another punch, I quickly hover my body between them, on top of Lucas's head - protecting him. 

I expected a painful punch to my back but nothing happened. It suddenly got quiet. I turn to Corbin to see him staring back at me, his eyes filled with...sadness?

It can't be. Why?

I watch as he gets up from the floor. Once it's safe, I straighten my back and turn to Lucas's lifeless body on the floor, only causing anger in me.

I get up from the floor to face Corbin with a glare. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I raise my voice at him. Corbin stare at me with sad eyes before it turned into his usual emotionless glare.

"I will always be the bad guy in your eyes, right?" He asks but it sounded more like a statement. I twist my eyebrows in confusion at the weird question.

He walks towards me but I step back, not wanting to be close to him. He reach out his hand to my face but I turn away just in case he hurt me. He drop his hand once he notice my behavior.

I turn back to him with him already glaring at me. "If you think that's bad, you have no idea what I'm capable of." With that warning, he push his way out of the crowd and leave.

I gulp down the big lump forming in my throat before getting down on the floor and helping Lucas off the ground.


Yes, I know my chapters are short. I told you guys that at the very beginning of the story so please don't complain. I try to update as frequent as possible, once a week.

Thank you for reading!

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