06. the bully and the burger

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            "I don't want to owe you anything," I said while taking out my wallet in my backpack

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            "I don't want to owe you anything," I said while taking out my wallet in my backpack.

            "I don't want anything in return," Corbin respond.

            "I don't care. I can pay for my own food," I told him and open my wallet but he quickly snatch it out of my hand.

            "Give it back," I order.

            Corbin took me to McDonalds since I was hungry and he's being a bitch right now.

             "Take it then," He hand me my wallet. I reach for it but he quickly take it away with a grin. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior.

            "There's a line forming so if one of you can just pay that'll be great," the cashier said in a polite tone. I look at her then behind me to see a line forming with people glaring at me. I smile sheepishly at them in embarrassment, then turn back to the cashier.

            "Thank you." The cashier said to Corbin while he's putting his card back into his wallet. I stare at him, pissed. He notice and smirk victoriously.

            "No. I want to pay instead. Please cancel the order," I told the cashier with a smile. She looks at between me and Corbin nervously.

            "Um..." She mutter.

            "Don't worry about it," Corbin told her and grab me. He drag me away from the counter to the booths.

            "Do you have to be so stubborn?" Corbin asks while handing me back my wallet.

            I grab it and sit down on the booth against the window, placing my wallet and backpack on the table. I let out a sigh, cross my arms, and roll my eyes.

            "Don't roll your eyes at me," Corbin warned.

            "What are you going to do about it?" I mock him.

            To my surprise, a smirk slowly make its way to his face then he suddenly sit down next to me, scooting closer towards me.

            I move back only to have him move closer. I scoot back until my back is against the wall.

            Oh shoot.

            I froze in my seat, anticipating what his next move is.

            He scoots even closer to me and move his head further in with mine until only a few inches of empty space is between his face and mine.

            I can feel his warm breath against my face causing me to gulp. My heart is racing and my hands are sweaty. I can feel heat rushing to my face.

            He stares at me with an indescribable glint in his eyes.

            "Number 124," the employee yell out, her voice fading into the background with Corbin staring at me so close.

            I was about to slap his face away, but a cocky smirk appear on his face before he move back and out of the booth.

            I watch as he turn and walk away from the booth to the counter.

            I let out a big breathe I didn't know I was holding and try to calm myself down. My heart is racing like crazy and I'm getting really hot. I fan myself with my hands and start slapping my cheeks to get me thinking straight.

            "What are you? Crazy?" Corbin look at me with a confused expression. I put my hands down and lower my eyes.

            I ignore his question and said, "Just give me my burger." I put my wallet back inside my backpack and place it next to me on the seat.

            He place the tray on the table in front of me. I grab my burger, unwrap the paper, and start devouring it.

            I was so into my burger and eating it that I forgot Corbin sitting across from me, staring at me with amusement. I notice him and slow down.

            "What?" I asks, feeling insecure by his stare.

            "I didn't know you were such a fast eater, Hazelnut."

            "It's Ha-zel, not Hazelnut," I correct him. Corbin shrug like he doesn't care and sip his soda. I sneer at him before taking a bite of my burger and stuffing my mouth with fries.

            "I'll pay you back later," I told him.

            "Forget it."

            Yeah, right. I'm giving you the money back one way or another.

            A sudden curiosity cross my mind. Since he's acting like a decent human being now, maybe he'll answer my question without any complaint. It doesn't hurt to try.

            I quickly chew and swallow my food then clear my throat and asks, "You don't want a family of your own?"

            He looks at me, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion at my sudden question. "No."

            "Why not?" I try to sound casual and not to eager to know so he won't get suspicious.

            "I don't want the people I love to suffer after I'm gone." He shocked me with his response. I stare at him, speechless.

            "But that's part of life. It's better to have someone you love there with you before you die knowing that you are loved and have loved than dying alone," I reason.

            "Then I'm fine with dying alone." Again, he shocked me with his response. I don't think I'll be able to change his mind. He seems pretty set on being alone. But why?

            What happened to him that made him think like this? What happened to him that it scarred him and makes him think it's better to die alone than be surrounded by the people he loves?

The Bully Knows How to Love (#2)Where stories live. Discover now