Chapter 7: Too Dumb To Die

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Kol POV 

Meeting the new friends of the scooby-doo gang was an interesting event one that kept me at least mildly entertained, until the strawberry blonde spoke. Now after that the conversation took a different turn and I have to admit the young girl intrigued me. She wasn't afraid like most would be if they knew who I were, it was like she thought she was untouchable. 

When she stabbed me with the bone weapon now I knew why Klaus went for someone like Caroline, it was interesting to talk to someone with spunk from time to time. What I did understand though was why she phoned this Stiles person, from what I could gather he was human and had grown up around the Gilbert's cousin, Scott McCall. 

"So the question is who is Stiles?" I Said aloud as I walked back into the house Niklaus had built for us all to be a 'proper' family. I walked into the parlour where Rebekah was sat with a magazine and Elijah with a book and plopped down onto the couch next to my younger sister. 

"And what in the bloody hell is a Stiles?" Asked Rebekah as she turned to face me. She had that look of bitchy confusion that she wore oh so well. We all hid behind our masks, more so Elijah, to hide the beasts from plain site I just wore my mask a little...... slanted. 

"A human boy from California who believe he take on a bone monster and a psychopathic were-creature" I informed them . They both rolled their eyes and got back to ignoring me. Well nice to know I'm wanted in this house. "Although I did meet a peculiar girl, I believe she's a witch" I Said and finally one thing got their attention. 

"Why would she be a witch?" Elijah asked. He didn't like jumping to conclusions but what other options was there, I didn't know any other supernatural creature that could predict the future or whatnot. 

"Well for starters she knew who I was before I told her my name, and then it was like poof and she didn't have a bloody clue who I was" I Said. They both looked at me strangely but who cares I'm alteady the psychopath of the family. "Anyway if she's not a witch what is she? It would be so much more helpful if Eli was here" I muttered under my breath but vampires so both Bekah and Lijah heard. "Sorry" I apologiesed when I realised what I'd said. 

"Well I'm sure you can figure it out on your own" Said Elijah in a tense voice before leaving. 

"Your an idiot brother" said Bekah before leaving to follow our elder brother. 

"Trust me I know Bekah" 


Lydia POV 

It was now morning after along night of watching over Malia whilst she healed, waiting to hear something from Stiles or someone from Mystic Falls bugging me. She'd finished healing sometimea round 11pm so I headed to bed in the room the Salvatores are lending us for the night. When I woke up the next morning I got dressed and did my bathroom routine before heading downstairs. 

"Morning sunshine, sleep well?" Asked Damon but I just brushed past him. Coffee my god and saviour come to mama. 

"Hey that's my coffee" Shouted an indignant Peter but a glare easily shut him up. Peter has amazing tastes in coffee. 

"So how is she well not walking around with a hole in her side?" Asked Damon and nope I am not dealing with this, Scott can handle not fucking up one conversation dear god please. 

"Why would she have a hole in her side?" And that was the route he was choosing seriously, how the hell did he and Stiles ever survive without me? Allison came and sat with me and we both just watched the scene unfold until we felt it nessesary to intervene. 

"Well she got stabbed with bone yesterday?" 

"Do you have evidence to support your claim?" 

"Why would I need evidence I frocking saw it happen?" 

"I object!!! I don't have a hole in my side therefore your accusations are false" and oh Malias been watching crime drama again. 

"Okay enough as amusing as this is, we need a serious answer" and Stefan comes along finally ending this madness, it would have been better with Stiles involved. 

"Well I need some serious deer soooo anyone gonna provide that for me? Stiles said I can't hunt wild animals" moaned Malia and okay yeah that's hard to come back from. Looking around at all the raised eyebrows I decided it was probably one to reveal a bit of the truth. 

"I know most of you are vampires but mind control won't work on us and just FYI Malia lived most of her life in the wild raised by coyotes" I Said and when everyone just stared in shock I decided we best get our things to the Lockwood mansion. "She's also Peters daughter" I said before we all ran outside so Tyler could I hear that little nugget of information. 

So we maybe like children sometimes but in all fairness we have to have some sort of resemblance of teenage years in our lives What with all the crime/supernatural badguy fighting we do. I mean it's been about 16 hours since Derek was kidnapped I mean who's friends get kidnapped on a regular basis in a normal teens life? Nobody that's who!! 

At this point in my internal rant we were about halfway to the Lockwood mansion when my phone also rang. "Hello?" I answered not bothering to look at the caller I.D. 

"Jeremy snap out of it" "you can't kill me you pathetic human" "I'm 1000 years old you can't kill me" and I blacked out. 

A/N might not be able to update for a few days but I'll get another chapter up ASAP. Thanks again to all those who read, vote and comment this book got more reads etc than I ever expected all my works put together to get so thank you!!!

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