Chapter 63: Kryptonite

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Eli POV 

"So how does it feel?" I asked Niklaus as I saw him looking at the street below from ke of the compounds balconies. He looked over and raised an eyebrow. "How does it feel knowing a teenager is ruling over New Orleans and not you?" I Said with a laugh which made him roll his eyes. 

"How does it feel knowing Hayley, who everyone knows you have a thing for, is going to marry another man?" He asked and I sighed looking away. "It's nothing to be ashamed about loving someone who's in love with someone else?"

"Are you trying to help me solve my problems or your own?" I asked him and he sighed looking away and we both just watched as people in the streets below moved about their business. "Are you in love with Malia or Caroline?" 

"Malia" he quietly admitted. "I mean she's everything I like in a women, fierce, strong minded and then she's the mother of my child and yet she's in love with someone else" he said and I frowned, if she didn't tell me she was seeing someone or lied someone else I swear to god Malia when that babies born....

"Who's she in love with?" I asked and Klaus raised an eyebrow looking over. 

"Kai" Said Klaus and I snorted. "And what's so funny?"

"Brother Malia merely keeps Kai around because their both struggling to grasp the concepts of new modern technology" Kol announced as he joined us on the balcony along with Rebekah, Elijah and Finn. "Now speaking of technology what the hell is this email Rebekah keeps referring to?"

"Lydia hasn't taught you anything has she?" Asked Finn with a laugh. "But now that I think about it, google anyone?"

"Your hopeless you've been awake for months you imbeciles" Shouted Rebekah with a laugh. 


Davina POV 

"They seem so normal" I Said to Issac as we watched the Mikaelson siblings bicker on the balcony. "It's kind of hard to believe watching them right now that their the oldest most deadly creatures in existence" I told him and I saw him nodd from the corner of my eye. "You know I never asked how do you know them? Like how did you meet Eli?"

"Well he had a witch cast an illusion spell, he grew up with all of us from Beacon Hills and when I became involved in the werewolf stuff going on he helped in his own strange way" he told me and I nodded looking back to the siblings. Except a presence in the doorway caught my eye so I looked over and saw Hayley. 

"Hayley, what's up?" I asked her and she opened her mouth but closed it when she didn't say anything. "Are you Alright?"

"Yeah yeah I just Uh I need to talk- I need to talk to Eli" she stuttered and I nodded and waved towards the balcony. 

"He's out there with his siblings" I told her and she nodded but stayed where she was. "What do you need to talk to him about?"

"Jackson" she replied and I nodded my head. "I mean I'm going to marry the guy and I just Yeah" she said and I nodded as she watched the siblings try teach Finn about the internet, Kol was learning as well he just refused to admit it. "I'll talk to him later, he should spend time with his siblings" she said and quietly walked away and my eyes followed her with a sad frown. 


Kol POV 

"This says I won a mystery box" I Said looking st the screen confused. "When did I win a mystery box I never did anything?" I asked confused and showed Eli, who was sat closest to me, my phone. 

"How did you get onto the dark web I thought Rebekah told you to go on club penguin?" He asked shocked and I shrugged. 

"Well I found the link and clicked it but oh wait no that doesn't say club penguin, that's spanish or something" I Said confused as I looked at the address. "Can I still get the mystery box?"

"Sure why not" said Eli only for Elijah to smack him over the head. "What was that for?"

"Kol exit the dark web right now" he instructed and I nodded except things went crazy and I was somehow hiring a hitman. "Give me the damn phone" said Elijah so I gave him the phone and he 'fixed it', I'll have to find that dark web thing again somehow. 

"So no problems as of yet, what's going wrong next do we think?" Asked Rebekah after Finn broke his phone. 

"Malia gives birth and Nik becomes a father" I Said only for Nik to hit me over the head. "Ugh Fine"

"My Guess is the werewolves" Said Finn and I nodded. "They've been cursed and shunned they'll be bound to want to strike back against the witches and vampires" 

"They'll want power" Sai Eli like he had some sort of epiphany. 

"Oh great Eli saves the day before it's even in danger again"

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