Chapter 34: Bring Me To Life

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Lydia POV 

Oh my god. No she did just not. Okay fair enough she's had a rocky past with Argents I think that's a recurring theme with the Hales and all but seriously if she thinks her dead ass is coming before my Allybear or Chris she be even deader than wrong. 

"Yeah okay no" I said laughing lightly because this had to be a joke right, she and Stiles used to date she must ha e a sense of humour similar to his, right? 

"Well then I guess the people he has captive will never get free then" Besseta said crossing her arms like she didn't care jay she couldn't free them but she came to us for help. "Or I could just kill the 2 and everyone will be happy" she smirked before her veins protruded her eyes filled with blood and her fangs dropped and he sped over towards Chris, who thankfully was stood near Jeremy. 

So that made Jeremy punch her so hard with all that new found Berserker strength and she cane flying towards me and Kol so obviously I screamed. And she fell to the floor on the other side of the room. When she lifted her head she was glaring at me so since I couldn't back down because let's face it she may be a 700 year old vampire but I'm Lydia Fucking Martin, I don't back down to anyone. 

And she came charging and we exchanged some blows. 

"You whore" She screeched when I pulled her hair, my arms were short I couldn't reach her neck to snap it. And then she flipped me lver her back as everyone just watch our extreme bitch fight. 

"Anyone think we should break them up?" Said Kol in a distracted voice, "your right we shouldn't I'm sure they'll resolve their issues on their own" he spoke and I just rolled my eyes whilst roundhouse licking Besseta  around the face. 

"Alright ladies whilst this is entertaining enough I don't want Lydia to get tired beating your ass and then hurt herself whilst still kicking your ass because she did something wrong" Said Stiles and suddenly arms were around my waist and I was being walked towards Kol. 

"I hate being short" I muttered and Stiles sympathetically patted my head. When I was put down Allison came and hugged me. 

"Thanks for defending my honour like my knight in shining armour" she said jokingly towards the end and I just laughed at her. 

"Your welcome my fair lady" I Said bowing when she pulled away. 

"Is this a bad time to mention the ghost in the corner of the room?" Said Jeremy and wait what hold up the kid can see ghosts now. 

"Wait I'm sorry you see ghosts do you know how long I've been trying to find a ghost whisperer for? Since I killed Damon to answer my own question" Said Stiles and I just frowned. Okay why the hell did Stiles want a ghost whisperer and what's that got to do with Damon? 

"Well I have talked to ghosts for awhile and Damon's the ghost and he called you some very colourful names" said Jeremy and yeah that sounds about right. 

"Wait is Damon the one that called me a wolf? The one with the nice ass?" Said Malia and we all nodded, he may be an ass but he had a nice ass. 

"Yes he had a nice booty but why Stiles do you need a ghost whisperer?" I asked the 1000 year old who should consider shaving cause yes he may look nice with a beard but right now it's pretty long so a trim would do. 

"Well Kol remember those witches from 1700?" Asked Stiles and he nodded. Wait wasn't he trying to kill them at that point? "Well remember that one book they had on rare creatures?" Another nodd, god where is this going the suspense is killing me. "Well there was a spell in there that I want to use on a certain Salvatore" he said and yeah that doesn't clear anything up what so ever. 

"Look you can do your spell later we need to take down Allister" Said Besseta and god that girl needs to just shut her mouth. 

"Well firstly Damon says Big mouth shut up and secondly what is this spell?" Said Jeremy repeating what Damon who non of us can see although now that I think about it the room does feel a little more deathier than usual. 

"Well a banshee and ghost whisperer are both connected to the dead" he said with a look that was like 'I'm not giving you a straight answer you need to connect the dots' look, and god we thought Deaton was cryptic. "And it's relating to a dead Salvatore" he said with a 'duh' sort of tone and it finally clicked into place, everyone else still looked confused the poor puppies. 

"You want to bring Damon back to life" 

A/N what are tpj people thinking actually reading this pile of BS?!! But OMG  it's got 11k reads and it's was like yesterday when it got 10k and I'm just freaking out because whatttt??!! But thanks so much for reading and I'm glad people enjoy it, makes me feel better about myself somehow :)

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