Chapter 39: Last Resort

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Stiles POV 

"Oh just perfect bloody perfect" I shouted into the dungeon. "Does this guy have a fetish for turning my girlfriends into vampires and keeping them captive?" I asked rhetorically. Groaning I made my way to Lucia's cell and unlocked it. "Get Out of There" I Said to her and moved back as she made her way out of the cage. I turned to shout in anger some more before I felt lips on mine stopping me from speaking. 

"Well this is interesting" said another familiar voice from the cell which had been opposite Lucia's. "Not that I don't love epic live reunions or anything but I'm tired of dressing in 60's clothes when I know fashion has improved since because Yes chick with the blonde hair those jeans look fab-u-lous" Said the male voice accenting the 'fabulous' with a click at each syllable. 

"Oh Larry how heart warming your ability to ruin a perfect moment is" I said sarcastically to the young vampire who looked nearly identical to the young women I held in my arms. 

"Sooo Yeah Anyone wanna explain, brother?" Said Kol But we saw a sliver of sunlight which indicated someone else was entering the dungeon. "Or we could hide in the girls cell, Kagerina get back to your own" he said before we all rushed into the darkness of Lucia's cell whilst Katherine sped to her own. 

"So it's been awhile" I Said to Lucia who nodded with a smile on her face, she hadn't let me go since she'd gotten out of her cell. 


"Why here of all places?" Asked a newly turned vampire that I was helping through the transition. 

"Because lowlifes will visit this joint and so nobody will question if someone dies" I Said to the vampire before we made our way inside. "And since you can't control your hunger just yet we better play it safe" I Said as I opened the door. Loud music played and drunks litter the bar and tables with a few people dancing along to the melody of an angelic voice from the live performer, a young blonde girl with dazzling blue eyes. 

"That's my sister" Said a name voice from my left as he came up to me and the newly turned vamp. "Our parents own this place so we sometimes help out" He offered and I nodded with a slight smile. "Her names Lucia, Lucia Pitcher" 

"Well tell Lucia that I think she's gorgeous" I Said to the boy and he nodded his head smiling, impressed. "Names Eli Mikaelson" 

"Larry Pitcher"


"Hmmm hmm hm hm hm" a voice hummed, male by the low pitch I'm guessing. "Larry" he said Said to the boy in the opposite cell and I prepared myself to attack should the need arise. "You and your sister learnt to behave yet?" 

"Depends on how you define behaving because I think we behave just splendidly" he said in a mock British accent. "And I do say darling that t-shirt looks absolutely unflattering on your extended figure" he said and yeah it did make him look kind of fat. 

"I'll take that as a no then" he said and as he turned around I caught a glimpse of his face and frowned but kept quiet until he'd left the dungeon back to normal society. 

"You know him?" Asked Scott when he saw my frown as we exited the cell. I kicked the door open to Larrys cell. 

"Yep and I'm pissed off, Bekah why did you turn him of all people?" I shouted out as I started licking random cell doors open. 

"I didn't know who he was, why? How do you know him?" She asked and I turned to her combing my hands through my hair frustrated. 

"Because his parents are the reason Kol nearly died" 


Stefan POV 

"Are you sure I can't shave his eyebrows off?" Asked Malia for like the hundredth time. I groaned and so did Klaus and Peter. We were sat waiting for something apparently, but I didn't know what. Jeremy and Caroline had joined us a few minutes ago and just looked confused. So did Derek and Kira who had also joined us. 

"Can you just kill us already?" Asked Bonnie in a bored voice, she'd woken up and I can tell she was regretting it. "Why do we need to be here? What are you waiting for?" 

"We are waiting for some friends/ family to return so we can get on with one of the two reasons we came back to this cursed town to begin with" said Peter as he glared at Malia. "And I know I promised I was getting better but how back would it be if I tied Malia to a chair and tapped her mouth shut?" He asked innocently in a joking voice but Malia glared Anyway, 

"Tell us why we are here" I shouted in annoyance because why the hell?!! 

"Did Stiles day you couldn't tell them or something" Shouted Jeremy and at Klaus response being no he didn't tell Klaus to not tell us why we are here, proceeded to tell us. "We need you and Bonnie for a spell, you apart of it, Bonnie to perform it" said Jeremy before sitting on a couch which looked oh so comfortable. 

"Peter you gave me an idea" Said Klaus suddenly and he sprung up, like he'd found some new energy, a reason for existing. "We just tape their mouths shut" he said and duck taped mine and Bonnies mouths shut. 

"Peace and quiet, finally" said Peter but that was disturbed by a snore, make that 2. 

"I'm going to kill Malia and Jeremy"

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