Chapter 19: She's Creeping

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Lydia POV 


"You want me to what?" I asked Stiles in a disbelieving voice. It wasn't really far fetched what he wanted me to do, I just couldn't comprehend why he wanted me to do it. 

"You need to make Kol paranoid, they're scared of me, I want to make a dramatic entrance or at least filled with fear" he said and I just continued to stare at him. God could that family be anymore messed up. 

"And why exactly are they scared of you?" I asked since yeah he's giving me the full story if I'm going to do anything for him. 

"Well when I was in the womb my mother tried resisting Dahlia when she took Freya, but sshh they think Freya's dead lets keep it that way for now, so she punished her by putting a dark entity into one of her unborn children meaning me. So I was a bit of a psychotic child and everything about your personality is heightened as a vampire so you can see why they might stay far far away" he said in a nonchalant voice. 

Great so this family is more messed up than originally thought. 

"And what was this entity?" Full story people, full story. 



Watching Stiles interact with Elijah you wouldn't think that Elijah was scared of him. It looked like just any other friendly game of chess, until the stakes came out. All the pack was nearby to help Stiles if necessary, they don't know much besides that if things go side ways they have to intervene. 

Scott was in a booth not too far away from where Stiles is. Malia is in the middle of the room with Kira. Allison and her father are in the roof and Jeremy and Derek are sat in a table outside. I'm stood at the bar because I need to be fully hydrated if I'm going to scream, plus it's easier access to the wine. 

I was watching closely what was happening between Stiles and Elijah when I saw them relax and seem like they were getting along. I turned around and sent out a mass text to say that everything is fine. I saw Scott leave Malia joining him as he stealthily tried to get out without Stiles or Elijah seeing him. 

I decided to just sit at the bar as the siblings made up for lost time. I turned around so I was facing the wall lined with liquors. I already knew that Damon was on his way because I heard Tyler complaining to Jeremy about 'stupid Salvatores and their stupid paranoia'.

Jeremy had made it clear he was pissed off at Elena and well everyone besides the pack so he's now staying in the room the pack have taken up at the Lockwood house. Yes only one room, everyone in the pack likes to cuddle except Derek, Chris and Peter who have been given a room each but Derek's a teenager right now not the serial killer type 24 year old, Chris isn't a cuddled and Peter's Peter. 

He's also talked to Scott about moving to Beacon Hills when we go back so that should be interesting. 

"Well hello Lydia" said the previously mentioned alcoholic. "So what's James up to and how does he know Elijah?" He asked getting straight to the point. 

"Well I would love to answer but I have to help a certain Gilbert move across the country" I said snarkily, whilst smirking as his face fell. So I didn't have to help Jeremy pack to move cause he was going with Scott and Liam tomorrow to pack his things up into boxes to put into Argents SUV. Truth was I was going to force Allison, Malia, Kira and Caroline to go shopping with me because I have a date with Kol in 2 days. 

I stood up flattening my dress out and grabbing my purse before I started sashaying away. I walked out of the bar seeing Finn looking to the doors of the Grill from the drivers seat of an SUV. Looking over I saw his eyes land on me and I waved smiling happily before walking to where I saw Derek and Jeremy passing around a football. 

I walked over and they stopped what they were doing, I needed to make mass phone calls so I needed my minions put to work. "Minions listen up, Derek call Allison tell her to get here then call Kira, Jeremy call Malia and then call Caroline whilst I grab coffee and a certain original" I Said before walking away. I could feel their stares for a few moments as I walked towards the car I'd seen Finn in earlier before I didn't feel the states of the werewolf and berserker anymore. 

When I reached the car I opened the back door to see Rebekah sat trying to get something from Klaus and her butt directly in my face. "Give me back my shoe  you bloody arsehole!!" I heard the blonde screech whilst I just stood patiently waiting for someone to notice my presence. They didn't notice me so I decided to make myself known. 

"Klaus give Rebekah the shoe and Rebekah me, you and the girls are going shopping" I Said as I saw Allison come down from the roof thankfully without a weapon. When I spoke they all turned and saw me and I saw Kol trapped between the squabbling blondes. He smiled so I smiled back at him as Rebekah sorted herself out. 

"So we need to talk to Elijah before we can g.." and I cut her off before she could finish. 

"Elijah is fine he's talking to a friend of mine and they are the best of twins so let's go I'm desperate" I Said and she nodded grabbing Klaus' wallet before she exited the car shutting the door. I moved over to the driver window and motioned for Finn to drive away which he did with a smile. 

"Now I have a date with your brother and I need a dress" 

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