Chapter 31

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~~~Logi's POV~~~

I laid on the ground, tension from the fight against my brother still thick in the air. I sat up, my hand sore. It will heal soon. The others and Vita were stood around, watching and waiting to see what I would do next. I stood up and looked at each of them in turn. They were all okay for the most part. There would likely be scars and bruises for them, but they had made it through my crazy world. Vita's eyes were cast downwards, as if inspecting something that I couldn't see. Laura came over first and looked at me with her large brown eyes.
"Why don't you come back with us Logi?" She asked. I put my non-bloodied hand on her shoulder and looked up at the pink sky.
"I'm supposed to stay in Avitius. I can't come to Earth with no official papers. I would love to stay there, but I simply can't," I sighed. I realised as I spoke that Nate had winded me when he knocked me over. Laura looked sadly at her brother and her eyes widened as Zip landed on her head.
"What is this?" She asked.
"It's just Zip, my pet Zard," I smiled as Zip bashed his black wings together. I plucked him off and placed him on my shoulder, where he nuzzled closer to my neck.
"He is really sweet," Laura replied. Lorenzo came over and pulled his sister away.
"We have to go Laura. We have to get back home," Lorenzo said, his smooth accented voice soft to the ears. I watched as the group left, leaving me and Vita together.
"Listen Logi, I'm sorrry about what happened in the past. I truly believed that you were just like your brother. Now I know different, I would like to offer you my friendship," Vita said, holding out her hand with perfectly manicured pink nails. I looked into her eyes and found truth in them. I took her hand and shook it.
"I hope that we can get along now," I said, feeling a huge weight lift off of me.
"Thank you Logi. Now, lets take this group home," Vita smiled as she started to walk away. I watched as she turned into her Pheonix form and strutted towards the group.
"What is that?" Connie asked, reaching for one of Jaxon's swords.
"It's Vita. She is a Pheonix," Jaxon replied. Connie looked at me and opened her mouth, as if she were going to speak. She closed it and went to grab Lorenzo's hand. He turned to look at her and she brought her lips closer to his. They closed the gap and Laura turned around to look at me, fake retching behind Lorenzo's back. Jaxon rolled his eyes and turned away too. I chuckled and joined Laura in her childish game. The couple stopped, bright red they jumped apart as if they had been hit by lightening.
"Vita can carry us to Fantasia, to get you home," I said, breaking the silence.
"She's a bird, how is she going to manage that?" Lorenzo asked.
"Join hands. She will grab onto my wrist and fly us there," I said. They all did as they were told. Laura and Connie connected hands and I grabbed Laura's hand. Lorenzo held Connie's hand and Jaxon tagged on the end. Vita beat her large wings and levitated. Her claws fastened around my left wrist and I felt my feet leave the ground. She rocketed upwards, the wind blowing my hair in my face, as if a curtain of red had been closed over my eyes. Don't look down. Don't look down. I repeated in my head, thinking of how this could all go wrong if I slipped and we all fell into Lava Falls. We soared over the Scorched Lands and the varren wastelands that accompanied the western borders. We crossed into Fantasia's borders and Vita took a swooping dive downwards. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, hoping that I wouldn't pass out. We landed outside the Crystal Tree and the portal in its roots, like a rabbit hole. Jaxon looked down at it and jumped through first. Connie followed him, then Lorenzo after.
"Cone with us Logi," Laura said, her voice begging me to. She grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze. Vita flew up and swan dived into the portal.
"Okay, I'll come. I haven't used a portal before," I said nervously.
"It's okay, just hold my hand," Laura smiled. We stood at the edge and loked at each other.
"3," I started.
"JUMP!" We said in usison and jumped into the whole. The iridescent colours flashed around us, blinding me. I forced my eyes closed as my feet came into contact with the compacted earth. I opened my eyes and looked around. Stood greeting the group were two angels, one was a boy and the other was a girl. I recognised the male as Discord, and he female was his sister, Serenity, whom I had seen once. In the corner of my eye, I could see a blue glow. I watched it, staying completely still. Discord was talking to Connie, who looked ready to hit him. He looked apologetic and closed his eyes. I watched as she threw her fist at him and a tooth cracked. He spat out the jagged piece and started to make his way over to me and Laura.
"I am sorry Laura. What is did to you is irreversible. You are a freak of nature now. Serenity can teach you to live on earth with your powers,  but you will never ascend," Discord told her. Laura let go of my hand and smiled.
"To be honest, as long as I don't kill any of my friends of family, I don't care," Laura replied. Discord relaxed and turned to me.
"I don't have anything to apologise to you for Logi, but there will be more blood on your brother's hands," Discord told me. My eyes widened as he grabbed my injured hand and inspected it.
"I want that to be left as it is. Just another scar from Nathan," I told him and snatched my hand away. The light in the bushes lurched out in the form of a glowing sword being held by my older brother. I gritted my teeth as I saw what he was about to do. Discord just closed his eyes and gave us all a last smile. Nathan brought down the blade and Discord simply started to fade. Serenity watched in horror.
"You monster," she uttered as Discord completely disappeared. He didn't even put up a fight. Nathan walked away and jumped through the portal, which closed behind him. As serenity sobbed a last thought popped into my head. He is our fallen one.

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