Chapter 8

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I kissed her. I kissed her. I fucking kissed her. What's wrong with me? Draco was miserable. He was sitting alone on the astronomy tower, his head in his hands.
Why did I kiss her? he asked himself

Because you're a lousy twat who only wants a girl's pussy. He groaned as he knew it was true. He wouldn't have cared if it was any other girl, but it was Granger! He was a feral, carnal beast with wild, savage fantasies, and he knew she must be an innocent, sweet soul with the loveliest of dreams.

If he got involved with her in any way, it would be impossible for him to gain any sort of redemption. Just because he lusted after her, it didn't mean that they'd have to get into a sexual relationship. No not at all. Forget the fact that she asked him to kiss her. He knew if he got any more closer to her then he would only add to his sins. He'd already committed five of the seven sins. That should be a record:

He'd been greedy for power and fame (Avaritia).

He'd been lazy and reluctant to work (Acedia).

He was envious of everyone who got attention but mostly- Potter, for his scar head; Weasel and Potter for being so close to Granger (Invidia).

He'd been prideful about his 'pure blood' status. (Superbia).

And he unleashed his wrath now, on her of all the people. He was furious with everyone, with the world in general for being the way it was. (Ira).

Now he was lusting after her. A pure, holy soul, untouched and preserved for someone who would treasure her, adore her. There comes his sixth sin. Lust. (Luxuria). She was a virgin, he knew it, could feel it when he kissed her. He wouldn't be the one to take that away from her, to taint her in any way possible.

At this point, she was the pure blood...and he was the mudblood.

And speaking of that kiss...Merlin, that was the end of him! She was so soft, so sweet, he couldn't stand it. Her innocence only added to her appeal, the way she tentatively reached for his tongue. No, no! What was he thinking?! He should stay away from her, her thoughts, her smile, her smell, her sweet voice, her even sweeter lips...Draco groaned. The bell rang somewhere in the depths of the castle, thankfully bringing Draco back to reality. He glanced at his watch. It was break now, and then he had...oh, no. Transfiguration. Alone, with Granger.

Was this some cruel, twisted plan that fate was playing on him? Did he have to endure all this as a punishment for his blunders? He supposed it was true, why else would he be running into her? He exhaled loudly. No matter how much he hid, fate would somehow bring her to him. Hadn't he seen that, just a few minutes ago in the Prefect's bathroom? He'd have to stop running then, it was as simple as that. He'd have to stop being a coward. Just grit your teeth and get on with it.

When he entered the transfiguration classroom, he noticed at once that something was different. Almost all the chairs and tables had been pushed back into the walls. Only two chairs and tables remained at the center facing the Teacher's desk. Of course, it was only going to be Granger and himself.

Granger wasn't there yet, which kind of surprised him. McGonagal looked up as he entered.
"Ah, Mr.Malfoy. Have a seat." she gestured to one of the chairs.

He sat and looked at her expectantly.

"We'll just wait for Miss.Granger, shall we?" Draco nodded, not quite knowing what to say. They waited. Draco looking blankly at the walls, and McGonagal shuffling some of her notes. She still hadn't come. They waited. The hour ticked by and Draco was becoming increasingly restless. Where was she?

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