6th Firewane (Week 5) - Carrots

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We are in that large chamber after looting and killing everything in the room. It is equally sickening and hugely satisfying that we managed to do all this destruction! I cannot tell how I feel though. As I said, sickening and satisfying... though perhaps it is only sickening because of the context. The actual power is rather intoxicating. Or is that just the nicotine? Anyway – Xanaphia finds an armoury that she picks the lock of and we get more stuff.

Including an anvil, which Nic takes. Because of course he does. Other notable things we find are a few grenades (should be useful) and I find a silver wand in a case, which Nic later identifies as a Wand of the Pact Keeper. Yes, now I have a silver want like Arken! Magnificent. We also find a phial of very strong acid in a silver bottle, and a scroll in a case (the scroll is a scroll of Slow), and some boots of Elvenkind which I take. They're quite comfortable, and it will help me to be less... clumsy when I walk around. It's simply not gentlemanly.

We go through a second door and discover a long staircase – we send Xanaphia's dancing lights up before us as we go. We come to a landing where Nic attempts to push me up before him. Yes, the tiny halfling tries to push the six-foot Hieronymus up where he does not wish to go. He can't, of course, but I scowl at him.

There is a door on the landing with incantations written into the metal. They are in Infernal, and they are nothing good. Essentially, they detail that anyone passing through the corridor will be bereft of their magic while in the corridor. I did not know such spells existed.

This is where we have another decision to make. We can either continue up the stairs, or go through the door. Isolde, Grombindal (Grombindal told us only his friends call him Ken and, since I do not believe us to be close enough to be friends, I will refer to him as Grombindal from here), Nic and Ivellios go through the corridor. Xanaphia and I stay behind, paranoid to go anywhere.

Xanaphia and I only hear vaguely what is going on. Later, we are filled in that, through the corridor in the chamber beyond was a pool of blood and silver in which Nic threw a carrot in. The carrot ended up summoning Abomindations.

Because we hear the sounds of fighting, Xanaphia and I steel ourselves and come to the rescue, of course we do. Nic looks like he is in trouble upon our entrance. He makes a zombie's head explode after doing a fantastic spell of beauty.

I kill one of the Abominations from range and a naked human male with its chest ripped open falls to the ground. Clearly dead. Everything within a ten foot radius is completely obliterated by the Abomination's demise – I am glad I was not at close-range! So glad it was hovering in the air. Still – pretty brutal.

A young woman falls out of the second Abomination. Both the man and woman have strange black tattoos around their necks leading to the wound in their chests.

There is a knife and a book of some kind, both of which Nic carefully puts in the bag. Though... something occurs to him – some flash lights up his eyes. A flash of emotion, perhaps fear? But then he sets about trying to pull up the massive gold torch sconces from the ground. He cannot. But it is a hilarious sight.

It seems this chamber is older than the city. On the floor is a circle, a soul-binding circle apparently. It is for putting demons into human hosts, which explains a whole lot.

We return to the stairs and go up them. My sword vibrates in my hand as we walk and we are met with fearlings, cultists and more. Hooray! More things to kill. Again, I feel the fear try to eat into my mind but I fight it off. They won't get me, not while I have fights to win. The only downside to all this is Nic almost dies. Almost. He is fine.

After we dispose of them, we come to a set of cells. We see people dead and injured, drained of their blood. They are all human and under 30. Grombindal is busy being cruel and suggesting horrible ideas, to which his holy symbol reacts. I decide to test something and speak in Infernal – they react very badly to this and recoil. Nic slaps me for my trouble. I'd reiterate and punch him in the head, but I've already scared these people enough it seems. Nic gives them carrots to chew on, as if they're donkeys, and promises we'll come back for them after we clear this place out. I don't particularly want a bunch of sewer-breathing commoners following us around so this suits me well enough.

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