8th Firewane (Week 7) - Bath

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We help the prisoners get out through a group of double doors. We emerge into... a wine cellar. This is extremely unexpected – to have something this domestic next to something so dark... who could be behind this? It is a nice wine cellar, so I can only imagine the house above is something incredibly nice and lavish... oh, how I dream of a house like this. Nic goes upstairs into the house invisible to scout it out.

It turns out, through Nic's correspondence, that a Mr. Jeffery Bloomburg owns this house. Bloomburg is a member of the merchant's guild, the same one the mining company was going to get inducted into. Perhaps he wants to keep them out of the guild? We go upstairs with the captured prisoners, and I tell a maid not to panic, although we are covered in blood and unmentionable stains, and the prisoners are even worse.

Grombindal goes out to inform the police about the wounded group. He wants them to be taken care of. Nic leaves to "run some errands" and we don't see him for ages. I leave the house to get out the memories of the fighting and the sewer, and to examine my surroundings. It's a rather middle-class area, a place I would feel quite comfortable approaching some people and striking up conversation if I wasn't as unpresentable as I am. It angers me, so I stay near the house, in the shadows, merely watching the people go by.

The police to come by and, after some arranging – one cannot transport a group of damaged people through such a nice area without attracting attention – they will be escorted to a temple to be taken care of. Grombindal seems rather content with this, and acknowledges his holy symbol of Furork – perhaps he is making amends for his behaviour to them before. I never apologised for scaring them with my tongue, but why should I? No harm done.

We – well, all of us but Nic – head back to Arken's estate. Nic does meet us there. We ask Shimmerscale about Bloomburg. He tells us Bloomburg is involved with letting organisations into the guild. He is pushing the Torran Mining Company to get into the guild. When we're done with questions, Shimmerscale informs us Arken will see us next week.

We are allowed still to stay in the estate. I have a long, long, long bath. Have to wash away the memories and the stench. It practically eats through to my mind. As with last time, I steal another ashtray. It might come in handy.

-- 9th Firewane

I wake up and go shopping. I need new clothes. I go to the finest streets I can think of, because I'm worth it, and once there I attempt to buy a custom outfit on the Quelthic's tab, but the lady says I need proof that I am a Quelthic before she would allow me to do that. How unfair. In the end, I just end up paying for a suit off-the-rack. Not nearly as sexy and enjoyable, but it's a lovely thing nevertheless. Blue, gold, what more could a man ask for? I would have got green, as green is my usual colour, but the sewer put me right off it...

I try the same trick in another store where I might buy a new mask. Again, they say I need identification. This annoys me and I walk out. I'll get a mask elsewhere! Whatever!

'Suck my Wiggly Dick!' - Hieronymus the Liar in the Edranari EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now