the plot and the L word

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Masky' s POV
                 That evening before dinner Toby went down to talk to Jeff about what he wanted his "fateful servants" to do. During that I snuck into Jeff's room looking for the pictures. All of a sudden I hear Toby start coughing I run down stairs to see Jeff choking Toby. I run over and punch Jeff as hard as I can knocking him out of the way "What the Hell?!?!"  I scream at Jeff with Toby sitting on the ground behind me. "You really think you could get these pictures away from Me" he says reaching into his hoodie pocket, he then looks at the both of us confused and Toby laughs holding up the photos "looking for these twitch*" Jeff looks at Toby and lunges towards him but I quickly block him. He falls backwards to the ground "this isn't over" he informs me I flip him off and pick up Toby Bridal style and Cary him to my room. When I put toby down and close the door i turn around and pull him into an embrace "what where you thinking" i asked "what if he hurt You" Toby laughs a little "baby don't worry it's not like I can feel pain anyways, i noticed the pictures in his pocket and distracted him" I held him as close as I could "the pictures aren't what's important i don't know what I would do if something happend to you, i-i need you so you can't worry me like that Ok?" I say looking into his eyes "Ok Masky I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you" he says burying his head into my chest. Slender man calls every one to dinner and as usual Jeff doesn't care enough to attend.
                        ~After Dinner~
Toby and I where sitting on the couch next to eachothor and Jeff comes walking in with an evil look on his face "excuse me everyone if I could have you attention please?" He says to everyone in the living room "where any of you aware that Timmy and Toby are now an couple?" I feel Toby tense up next to me. "Why Masky he's just an annoying little fucked up kid" I hear someone say. Toby looks down and start twitching like crazy and I stand up "where all a little messed up and I don't care what you think because I love him" I yell getting Toby to get of the couch and I storm outside Toby's hand in mine and slam the door. "Masky i-" "Toby don't worry about them ok" I say wrapping my arms around him "Masky I love you" he nuzzles his head into my chest he looks up at me and I see a few tears running down his face "baby what's wrong?" "Nothing it's just twitch* just that No one has ever stood up to me like that" "Toby of course I'm going to stand up to you your amazing" he looks up and smiles at me and we walk through the woods until we get to the old gazebo and we sit down neither of us realizing how tired we where. We both accidentally fell asleep

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