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~Toby's POV~
               I sighed walking to through the woods my hands in my jean pockets and went to our spot, the old structure that a once happy boy sat at with the love of his life, the spot we would go to to be alone, the spot he  showed me. I sat down and wiped the tears on my face and decided to do what I came out hear to do

~Masky's POV~
                 I woke up feeling weak but ok, i looked out side pitch black I turn on the lamp expecting to see Toby asleep on the chair in my room. I frown a little when I see that I'm alone. I walk to Toby's room no luck he's not there either. I start to panic and look in all the common areas of the mansion everyone's asleep and I still can't find him, i go outside not caring if I get attacked again and start to yell his name tears starting to run down my face I start to search. Looking everywhere I can think of I feel defeated and so alone. I decide to go to my favriot spot and think of where he could be I'm walking towards it with my head down, i don't need to watch where I'm going I've gone to this spot so many times I could do it with my eyes closed. Then I feel something hit my shoulder I look up and scream tears come rushing out of my eyes. I see the lifeless body of my love the only person I have ever trusted whit anything and everything just dangling there from a tree in front of my destination. I quickly cut him down sobing checking his pulse hoping he is just unconscious, but in my heart I know... he's gone never again will I get lost in his deep eyes or hold him when he has a nightmare I'll never kiss him, or tell him I love him, my life is gone "Toby why?" I cry out hitting the ground my head on his chest that will never rise again, my tears soaking through his t-shirt, i pick him up and Cary him back to the mansion I lay him down on his bed and run to slendermans room franticly knocking. He opens the door shocked to see me on the other side of it, all I can manage to say is "Toby" in a quite voice. I walked to his room and he followed. When we got to his bead he picked up the lifeless body of my baby and read my mind to find out what happend and shook his head "we will bury him tommorw, I'm sorry Masky but we can't revive him he's been gone for far to long, please try to rest".

~AN~GUYS I'M SO SORRY I HAD NO INTENTION OF ENDING THIS LIKE I did I was just sad when I wrote it. I'm going to write one or two more to finish the story again I'm sorry

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