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~Masky's POV~
                    I wake up in the middle of the night to see Toby tossing in his sleep every so often letting out a small whimper I wrap one are around him and pull him close running my hand through his hair I softly kiss his forehead and he eventually calms down. I look down and smile at the now still boy in my arms as he snuggles against me and let out a small sigh and try to go back to sleep to no avail so I just lay there with the love of my life in my arms. About an hour before sunrise I hear something outside I brush it off as a animal and try to ignore it but then I hear it again. It produces a hollow screech and I slightly jump. I carefully move away from Toby and quickly go down stairs to investigate. I walk out into the woods with a flashlight and start to look around then suddenly a creature jumps on me from a tree above letting out that same screech. I try to fight it off but it's easily overpowering me I feel the creatures fangs sink into me and the last thing I hear before passing out is a gun shot.

~AN~ ooo suspense I wonder what will happen
P.s. oml Thank you bros for the reads it's quite surprising  love you all♡♡♡

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