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cami's pov

we pull up to the aesthetically beautiful house and the first thing that came out of my mouth was,


they all smiled at me.

"so, uh, this is the house we all live in!" jack started off.

"whoa." i repeated myself and they all laughed at me. well, in a good way of course.

i couldn't wait to see the inside of this house. wow.

daniel, being a gentleman, held my hand as i got out of the car. what was he trying to do though? he let go as i stepped onto the concrete driveway and i could tell corbyn wasn't very happy at that moment. i mean, if i were him i would be almost jumping off the walls at this point. he was about to start his career and this is how he's going to start it off? i need to fix this. after all, i am his sister.

"hey, cheer up grumpy face." i playfully punch corbyn in the arm.

zach starts imitating me in this weird girly voice he has and i chase him to the door.

corbyn's pov

"hey, cheer up grumpy face."

i want to be happy right now, but daniel is making that really hard for me right now. i mean, i shouldn't even be mad because we're in LA right now! and besides, we're bros. but i don't want any of my band members dating my little sister. it would just be too weird and awkward for the rest of us. wouldn't it? i mean, i could also just be overthinking this. daniel is pretty awkward. especially around girls. maybe he isn't into her. yeah, definitely overthinking this.

"hey! cheer up grumpy face!" zach actually punches me in the arm.


cami starts chasing zach, and i decide to join. just because im mad, doesn't mean i can't have a


a/n: third chapter is out!! i hope you guys enjoyed this one even though it was a little short. oops. what is corbyn gonna do? 🤔

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