0•"whos five save our souls?"

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"Come on, you really don't need that much for a 2 week vacation"

I sigh as I watch the blonde girl on the ground, my roommate to be exact, attempt to shove in a pair of white converse into the side of the busting suitcase.

"It's-nearly-in" she says, out of breath and her face is bright red but replaced with a wash of triumph for shoving the shoes in.

I roll my eyes as I comically watch my room mate on the ground with beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Sierra, there's no way in hell your getting that suitcase zipped. Just take out all the hoodies, your not gonna need them in Spain" I stifle a laugh and she turns to face me.

"No way Cindy, I'm not leaving a sock behind in this dorm room. Heck I don't even know if I'm coming back next semester, can't afford to lose anything"

I go quiet and imagine having a new roommate next semester. Although annoying, Sierra was one of the most funniest,kindest and loyal friends I've met in this school. I don't want her to leave.

It's currently 2:12 in the afternoon and the sun is splitting through the glass and shining over our now empty room. Unlike Sierra, I'm stuck here all summer. I don't have a rich boyfriend to fly me of to Spain like she does.

It's as if she read my thoughts because she's now hugging me and I breathe in the familiar scent of our detergent and her perfume.

"Even if I don't, you know we'll always be best friends" she smiles at me and returns to zipping the suitcase.

"I just wish I could get away for summer, it's gonna be so boring here on campus for 3 months" I groan.

Sierra gives me a sympathetic smile before sitting on her suitcase and calling me over to zip it.

"Hey you never know Cindy, you applied for like a billion of those jobs for photography graduates, you might get a response and you can spend summer with your little camera thingy"

Although supportive. Sierra has never understood my love for photography.

Like most girls I knew growing up, they were all into dance,singing,drama or sport. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I never wanted to sing or act and I couldn't play sport if I tried. I was so shy and taking photos of random things as a child like flowers and the clouds gave me a weird sort of purpose, like I finally had something I was good at.
I had a hobby I enjoyed and something that made me someone I guess.

I took pictures for the school newspaper in high school and I do the newsletters here at the University of Arizona. I'm bored of all that child stuff though, I want to break out of Arizona and all I've ever known and have a proper career in photography.

I did send in my applications to several companies that I could work at over summer, to gain experience and even gain a job.

Although I enjoy college. I only came to make my parents proud, I'm not interested in the boring classes I take like German. God why did I pick German!

I'm interrupted from my thoughts when Sierra hands me my laptop and sits beside me, eager to see if I've got accepted for some jobs.

I sigh and unlock my laptop, already knowing the answer. Who would want a baby faced 18 year old girl with nothing but a old Nikon D7200.

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