11•"im just afraid to get hurt"

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I slammed the door of the diner behind me with a loud clank of the bell, the waitress rushed out behind me shouting profanity and wagging her finger at me like I was a dog.

"Hey! Lady! You can't do that here!" She shouts and I spin round in my fury and flip her off.

I stomp along the dusty parking lot not knowing where I was going, but I knew I was absolutely furious. Calum seriously thought I was gonna believe bullshit?

My thoughts were swirling and raging so I didn't hear the footsteps run quickly behind me. I continued to stomp like some sort of angry dinosaur. The dust surrounding itself around my combat boots as my cap guarded my already red face from the scorching sun.

"Cindy! Cindy wait!" I hear a deep voice call and I walk faster. I haven't even known Calum for a month and already I'm done with his bullshit, his lies and his cover ups.

"What the fuck is your problem? God you are so confusing!" He shouts in a angry voice, which makes my shoulders stiffen and my hands clench.

I spin round quickly and see his eyes flicker at the appearance of how angry I am.

"My problem? My problem? Wow Calum that's rich coming from you! I'll tell you what my problem is! You think you can kiss me, lie then prank me and lie again! I'm done with your crap Calum, I gave you a second chance and I don't give a fuck if your apart of some famous band! I don't ever wanna speak to you again your a waste of my time!" I shout loudly and spin back round and continue my ferocious, petty stomps.

"Cindy! I'm not lying to you! I promise. God I'm sorry for the whole kiss thing but I promise you I'm not lying about this!" He pleads as he follows me.

My long stomps were no match as he simply took long strides to reach me, showing no sign of becoming out of breath unlike me as I was wheezing like a fat bulldog.

I ignored him as he repeated he wasn't lying over and over again like some demented broken record and I snapped at his annoying chant.

"You seriously think I'm gonna believe some bullshit story like the one you told me? Oh yeah because you got forced to date Nia by your management? Does that even happen anymore? I saw how you kissed her, I watched it with my own eyes. Don't you dare try and lie and say the relationship isn't even real. What even is PR!? Cut the crap with your stupid fairytales, I don't know what your trying to convince me with but it's not working at all Calum!"

He let out a frustrated sound and grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further, I tried to yank away from him but he held me with no struggle. So I screamed, loud.

"God! Shut the fuck up Cindy! Will you just fucking listen! It gives the band better publicity, it gives me a better image. Think of it you dipshit, star bass player in a relationship with innocent drummer which is on tour with him, true love. It's all their fucking fairytale story they want to get us more attention! It gets people talking. It gets us noticed. It's a cruel fucking game, but guess what? Sometimes you have to take sacrifices" he shouts.

I'm startled and froze as I sponge up the words he said, I feel ashamed of myself as I process the words he's saying. It all clicks slowly into place but my stubborn ass won't let it go that fast, I'm still unsure.

"The kiss?" I simply murmur and he rolls his eyes.

"Cindy wake up! Didn't you notice the cameras at the club? The fans at every corner? I had to do that shitty douche act, it's not me. I promise but I can't let the guys down, the management or Hey Violet. I took a risk kissing you at Luxey, but I fucking did it because I saw something in you that was raw. Not like Ruby or any other girl I know, not even like fucking Nia. Damn, Nia has been hooking up with Jack!"

I shut my eyes. Painfully embarrassed as I take in Calum's words, I suddenly realise what he's said and open them again to meet his dull, dark brown ones.

"Saw?" I say in a small voice and his touch drops from mine, the sparks leave my body and the cold air circles my fingertips.

"Yeah saw. You didn't give me one fucking opportunity to speak, I thought you were different but you just look at me like any other girl does. A prick" he says bluntly and turns away from me to walk the other direction.

I've been such an ass. I didn't listen to Calum's genuine words and I've took it to far. I can't take back time but I can make it right.

"Calum!" I shout and pick up my pace towards him, I don't know why I'm so eager to put things right. Maybe it's my morals, maybe it's because he's a good guy or maybe it's because i'm falling more everyday for the boy I've known for a month. It's terrifying.

"Calum I don't-" I begin and he whips round quickly running a dark hand through his messy tousled hair, his jaw is clenched and his eyes are dark with sadness or maybe anger.

"I know you don't fucking believe me! You've told me enough times" he shouts into the air and continues walking. I stick my hand out to grab his hand and I feel him flinch.

"No! I don't think your a prick. I believe you, Calum I'm so sorry  I'm just so afraid to get hurt. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I'm so sorry Calum" I begin slowly and I can feel the shameful tears pricking my eyes, even though I'm determined not to cry. Something  tells me this will be different.

I look down at my combat boots, centimetres away from his ones. I'm too ashamed to look in his eyes, fearful of the puppy dog eyes that I've been used to melting into overtime. I bite my lip strongly to try and stop the tears pouring over.

I feel a soft hand on my chin and my thoughts race back to the nightclub.Calum lifts my face up to meet his and suddenly I see his eyes have softened into the gorgeous chocolate colour. His jawline and harsh lines have relaxed but his jaw still looks razor sharp. I watch him as if in slow motion as he nears towards me.

My breath quickens and I feel a little hesitant. Not because I don't want to kiss Calum, but because I am so fucking terrified of falling for him, or even liking him. I don't wanna be a lost,forgotten groupie. Or a rebound until the newest management girlfriend comes along.

I'm scared.

As if he reads my thoughts, he presses his soft warm lips to my forehead and kisses it gently, I feel his large hands intertwine with my own as I look at him.

"I'm afraid too Cindy, afraid of falling for those perfect hazel eyes of yours but you don't have to be afraid. I don't want to hurt you Cindy, I just want to tear down these walls you have around yourself. Your so much more than them" he says softly, his raspy deep voice like music to my ears as everything around me seems to disappear.

"I think I like you" I splutter out, unsure of what I've just admitted, but not doubting myself once.

"I think I like you too."

That's all I have to hear, I stand on my tiptoes and connect my hungry lips against his as he pulls me closer by my waist. The kiss is slower and sweeter than before, but he still tastes the same. I let the sweet moment envelope us.

And as he tells me everything his tongue  couldn't say with his lips. I melt into our little moment.

THE 'TRUTH'?????

Ily xxx

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