The Unexpected

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This part is all completely false, just to clarify.

My birthday was coming up and my obsession with one direction became clear to many others around me. I couldn't go many hours without listening too them and I had all of their songs on repeat sending tingles through my body. I LOVE NIALL.

My friends, chloe (who i've mentioned before) and Yaz are both obsessed with 1D. They always update me with all of the latest information and hearing Niall doesn't have any solo's in the new album made me want to cry - I definitely felt sorry for him. That night I found a video on Youtube of a girl who won a competition to have a phonecall with Niall - JEL. This inspired me to grab my laptop and enter any competition so i searched frantically, but with no luck, couldn't find any. I didn't have enough money to go meet them VIP and the thought of being surrounded by a whole load of screaming girls would have given me a headache! My heart sank and I definitely felt like crying, all I wanted to do was meet Niall and the rest.

The next day I made my way into town with Chloe and Yaz on a normal particularly windy day but not too cold so I got away with a thin cardi and leggings. We entered many shops, laughing, trying on hideous clothes and purchasing nice ones. We decided we had enough of shopping and I was all out of money, so we decided to go sit down by the calm relaxing river. The walk down was fairly fast but the amount of strange people we passed was too many to count, what a strange place. But we got down there in time. 'More Than This' my favourite One Direction song was playing on my blackberry as we sat by the river the cold fresh breeze cooling our faces and relaxing us as we all imagine us being with them. 'If i'm louder, would you see me? Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?' I sang obsessing over Niall's singing. Suddenly, we all jumped and exchanged the same look as if we knew we were thinking the same thing. I recognised the voices, a distinct irish accent and the rest I didn't have enough time to think, we all turned around in unison resting our hands on the fresh short cut grass and looking out towards the fairly big tree's and people passing. It was unusally quiet, no screaming fans, but there they were. 'O-oh m-mmy god' Chloe yelled 'ITS ONE DIRECTION' Yaz and myself both shouted as we jumped up slipped on our shoes we took off previously and started to run. ' Stop' i shouted as both Chloe and Yaz stopped. 'We need to walk, be calm, act as if they're our friends, they won't like screaming fans, trust' 

Both agreeing we all walked arms-linked towards the beautiful specimines trying too look as calm and cool as we could, fixing our hair to look perfect and looking at our outfits all giving eachother a quick 'ok' to let eachother know they looked ok. I felt sick, like i always did when i was excited, a rush of emotions filling my head - love, excitedness and panic. Yes I said it, panic. what if i made a fool out of myself? what if i ruined my one chance of looking good infront of them? until they were there right infront of us, starting a conversation as I stood there blankley. 'You guys ok?' Louis said as we approached. We all suddenly calmed down at his voice and began a conversation. Niall was sat on a bench under the big tree and I made my way towards him whilst chloe and yaz took photos and ran around playing jokes and generally having a great time with Zayn Liam Louis and Harry. My obsession was purely Niall. As I awkwardly sat next to Niall I gave him a hug which felt like it lasted for atleast 300 years. As i rested my head on his chest my heartbeat became unison with his as I listened, smelling the most gorgeous scent and feeling his arms wrapped around me. I looked up and said 'Sorry for randomly hugging you I just I...' Niall cut in as I was about to begin rambling 'It's ok!' he replied. We spoke about pretty much anything about how weird it must be to become so loved by everyone until we both decided to join the others after a quick photo. The way he looked into my eyes felt amazing and I never wanted the moment to end. 

As we reached the others I gave them all a hug and had a photo with them all. 'Have a good time with Niall getting it on?' Louis said sarcasticly. I felt myself blush - not good. Niall laughed it off replying 'She's a nice girl, Briony right?' 'Thanks, and urm yeah' I replied. As time passed, we all ended up getting in the river, splashing eachother with the cold refreshing water. 'iiii, i wanna save ya tonight' I began too sing, the lads joining on. 'You got a good voice' Liam said, the first i'd heard from him since I arrived. 'It's not, but thanks anyways' I replied. Continuing to sing, I changed the song to Stand Up and the rest joined in, including Yaz and Chloe as we all sang extremely loudly making everyone around stop and stare, especially at our epic dance moves. Yaz spent a majority of her time with Louis joking chasing eachother and seeking revenge trying to splash one another first. Me and Chloe both sat on the edge with the others, Chloe making jokes until we were all sat in histerics. We sat in the order of Liam furthest right, Zayn, Harry, Chloe, Niall and then me. We both loved Niall so I guess the seating was perfect. The sun began to set and the weather begining to cool, I left my jumper in Chloe's car and I began to shiver a little as it grew colder. Unexpectedly, Niall took off his purple zipped hoodie (my favourite) and offered it too me. 'Here, keep it, don't want you getting cold now do we?' His Irish words made my heart melt, why was the Irish accent so god damn sexy? 'Thanks, It's my favourite!' I responded. By then Chloe was already sitting hugging the rest of the lads, Harry laying down head on her lap as she played abscent-mindedly with his hair. Zayn constantly making sure his hair was perfect and Liam on his phone, presumably texting his mum in the small amount of spare time he had. 

Yaz was sat with Louis just to the side of the others, they'd been speaking as if they were best friends, they even exchanged numbers! They sang, as Yaz was a good singer, layed on the cooling grass and laughed. As afternoon became night, I asked Niall when they were leaving. 'Well, whenever you guys leave, we're having such an amazing time' he replied. 'Well i'm not planning on leaving till late, not whilst I'm with you anyway' I said feeling slightly cringey. Still in Niall's hoodie filling all my scent around me of him and being the most comfortable I rested myself against him as stars began appearing in the stars, eventually we all grouped into a massive huddle, Louis and Harry being like their normal selves squeezing extra hard so none of us could breathe.

'Let's make a bonfire!' Liam suggested spotting twiggs on the floor and realising how cold it was getting. As everyone else went to create the fire, and all the public had left the area, it was just me and Niall. 'Are you not cold?'  I asked feeling slightly guilty i'd left him without a hoodie for so long but then realised he already had a blanket wrapped round him, in which he gradually wrapped it around me too pulling us closer together. 'I'm fine, even better now actually' He said. 'Can you teach me to play guitar?' I asked too which he pulled out his guitar placing it correctly in my arms and moving behind me to have control of my hands. The touch of his hands on my sent my skin to flinch, the soft touch and feel of his hands making me feel special at every moment and I learned quickly, playing 4 continuous chords and with Niall's help coming up with multiple lyrics. 'Perfect.' I thought.

The rest appeared from the darkness and Liam created a fire, suddenly I saw out the corner of my eye Chloe and Zayn ... kissing?! Noticing my facial expression Yaz screamed 'Omg they are tootally getting together i'm so happy!' She couldn't be with Louis as he had a girlfriend but she was pretty happy enough with a friendship. Why wouldn't Niall kiss me? I thought. 

The fire was lit, emitting heat into the cool air and as if they were fully prepared Zayn and Chloe appeared with marshmallows. 'Oh hey guys' I said winking, Zayn smiled and chloe replied 'Jealous?' 'Hell Yeah!' I said and continued to eat my marshmallows. Moments passed until Niall said 'Wanna hear mine and Briony's song?' 'WHAT?' i shouted. 'Oh come on' Niall said 'It's good, I mean I helped and i'll sing with you?' He spoke the words so reasuringly that i agreed. We sang, as if it was just us sat, seen only my fire light. Looking into eachothers eyes and smiling as we spoke the lyrics with smiles on our faces. When finished the others all cheered and went to get some drinks. Yet again, it was just me and Niall.

I, again, leant on Niall, but this time it was different. I felt comfortable around him and he put his hand on my leg and rested his perfectly shaped jaw line around my head kissing it. I then looked into his eyes as his soft lips touched mine. The feeling was indescribable. It felt like we deserved fireworks in the background but the feel of his lips on mine was good enough. His tongue brushed against mine slightly as I responded biting his lip slightly and I felt him smile. We both opened our eyes as we drifted apart, smiling, and I stayed leant in his arms, because he'd rescued me tonight.

See what I did there guys? I made spelling errors i know but im tired and ill so im sure you can deal with it :)

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