Chapter XII.

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Price of Betrayal

Moskov was panicking a bit as he was sitting deep in the woods with Karina

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Moskov was panicking a bit as he was sitting deep in the woods with Karina. "How could we loose? We've lost the book... anda big part of our pride..." He mumbled.

"And a pretty solid amount of gold we could have gotten from Argus... or somebody else who would buy the book..." Karina added. "Man, I'm so glad that I am not in your skin. I'm not the one who lost the book." She said with a grin.

"You're really a great friend." Moskov said sarcasticly while rolling eyes. "Be usefull and help me figure out what to do now...? I can't just come to Argus and say: 'Hey, I know you're the craziest-super-evil-power-seeking-mad-freeking-man but I have lost the thing you've been looking for for years."

"Right... That wouldn't be the best solution... Hm... How about this! Let's just tell Argus that it wasn't our fault. Let's accuse the one who originally brought you the book... what was his name again?" The lilac skinned lady said. She had the point, if they wanted to get out of the situation alive, they had to come up with some kind of clever excuse and this was the best they had so far.

Mokov was slowly nodding as she spoke to show her that he's listening even if he really isn't. "Hm... How about this: We take Lancelot and give him to Argus saying that he tried... something and lost the book. He'll trust us rather than him - a random man he didn't develop trust to yet. And like that, the 'knight' gets in trouble and we became saviours since we know where the book is going!"

Karina pouted: "That is exactly what I just said... Were you even listening??" She asked crossing arms but her question didn't really get a reaction. The man just quickly got up from the ground saying: "Nope! But let's go! No wasting time! I have promised to meet somebody tonight and I'm not planning on letting her down."

"Wait. Is this all because that girl... Was her name Vexina or something?" She asked. "Doesn't matter, are you doing all of this and got us both in trouble because of that one girl that is probably just using you to get free from her curse.

"Vexana." He muttered before running back towards the village where Lancelot was still waiting for him. Actually, by this time, he was probably sleeping on the table. Sleeping on the table, alone in the inn until the two walked in the inn.

Moskov walked to Lancelot. "Hi. Sorry-- Oh..." He mumbled before noticing he was sleeping, face on the wooden table. He sighed and poked his cheek with a sharp nail. "Wake up!" He said.

Lancelot was shocked awake. "Aargh... What are you doing?!" He muttered. He then yawned while he was saying: "Couldn't you just let me sleep a little longer?"

"No. We have to go." Moskov said. "Hurry up." He then grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the inn. Lancelot was still feeling a little dizzy from the drinks he drunk last night. The world seemed a little bubbly and blurry... but partialy it was because he didn't get much sleep.

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