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"It's been two weeks and the police still have nothing of importance?"

"Not a single thing," I tell Y/N, who is stretching her legs out from the chair she is relaxing on. The doctors say she only has a few more days to go until she will have to visit a special physical therapy session. They are basically going to have to teach her to walk again. She can't wait to escape that wheelchair.

"They haven't given up though, right?" Her voice is groaning with concern as I gulp, trying to keep my composure.

"I talked to the police chief yesterday. He said they are still working hard..."

I look up to see Y/N's eyes allowing small tears to build up in the waterlines.

It is really getting to be too much to handle.

A week ago, the news broke out to the media. Someone in the police department leaked the what was supposed to be private case file straight to Twitter, where immediately people investigated. I was suspicious on why and how it actually was leaked, but I couldn't question it with other important matters at hand.

It was posted everywhere. It was on Tv's all over to the globe, newspapers across the country, and basically at every loading screen of the internet. We couldn't escape it.

The clique was going mad.

Members in Columbus were recording themselves going across the city, looking for any signs of Joshua William Dun. The online community was searching through every tweet sent to Josh simply to see if they could fine anything that could point to a culprit.

It made me even more saddened to see all the mourning members of the clique. Some had even already accepted the 'fact' he's dead, but I refuse to believe it. I know my best friend is somewhere out there. Those texts proved that he was alive, but being tortured.

Something tells me he's still with his captor.

Something tells me he's still in pain.

I watch Y/N push herself to the kitchen, presumably getting a glass of water.

And their newfound counterpart.

When she was first injured, she was on an extreme amount of pain medication. The amount of pills she had to ingest was outstanding and it made her practically high, but as time gradually passed the pain was less prominent. It was even to the point where she only had to take three pills a day.

But now it's the opposite. Now she's gradually having more... and more... and more...

It's becoming so bad that she zones out at moments, not fully aware of where or who she is.

She's found a new comfort in blocking out her troubles instead of facing them, and it's worrying me. It's not like her at all.

There's nothing I can do to protest it considering I've found myself tempted several times to drink away my issues. Luckily, I've found that my own power and prayers have helped my being from collapsing.

I stare into the kitchen through the open doorframe. Y/N is resting her palms on the counter as her water glass is next to her. Slowly, her full hand raises to her mouth and I hear a loud sigh.

We need to get Josh back, and fast at that.

Or else I may lose another friend.


"I'm home!" I hear Jenna moan from the entrance door with an exhausted sigh. I remove myself from the computer desk as I walk over to her, passing the living room where Y/N has made herself comfortable to the point of slumber on the couch.

"Hey, how was it?" I give Jenna a small peck on the cheek as she forces a smile.

"Difficult, but I have some big news from the police chief. News you won't like one bit."

Jenna and I have developed the pattern of one of us visiting the police station everyday to discuss the matter at hand. It allows us to be up to date constantly on Josh's disappearance, but also permits us to have our own time.

I stare at her as she gulps, obviously anxious about what she apparently has to tell me. What could have so drastically changed between 24 hours?

"If I don't tell you, someone else will, so I feel like it should come from me." Jenna slowly reaches for my hand, tangling her fingers between my own. "You might want to go sit down."

We walk to the dining room table so we don't disturb Y/N in the living room. Jenna subconsciously runs a hand through her hair from being so stressed and nervous as we slowly take our seats.

"Just know, that even after I tell you this, please stat rational and trust the police, okay?" She leans close to me.

Her words immediately make me want to protest, but I simply nod as the alternative.

"Okay," she breathes out. "Here it goes..."

The next few seconds stretch out for an eternity

But once the simple words escape her lips, time comes to a screeching halt.

"Mark has escaped prison."

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