seeing him

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As Zack turned into a human Tyler was about to punch him. Rose jumped in front of him and Tyler puncher her face leaving a bruise on her. "How dare you hurt her" Zack growled as his eyes turned red with rage. "I'm fine" Rose choked on her words as tears formed but didn't fall because she didn't want him to think she's weak.  Tyler looked scared knowing he will be punished by Kyle but took a deep breath and got brave. "I'm only doing my job dog" Tyler yelled and stood strong,  but Rose wanted to grab her wand and get out of there with Zack. "Let's go" Zack quietly whispered to Rose.  "I want to but I can't" she shook "let's go now" Tyler yelled pulling Rose alongside him. That's when a tear fell off her face letting her pain show Zack wanted to rip out Tylers that right then and there. "Now" Tyler barked seeing Rose not moving "just go, Zack, you can find me"  Rose sighed and started walking with Tyler knowing it could get worse
Zack ran into the woods in his wolf form knowing he had to save Rose as fast as possible.  As they walked Rose was memorizing where everything was from tree to a butterfly on a tree. After what seemed like hours the sun was rising as they were coming to the border of the north. Roses feet hurt and her skin was cold to the touch as Tyler yelled up to the guards at the door. Rose wanted to punch him and run away but was coming up with the perfect time. As they walked inside heading towards the castle Rose thought 'mom dad I'll be back soon please don't give up on me'.  "Be nice" Tyler warned Rose as they got to the castle "you don't know me at all" Rose mumbled as she lightly touched the bruise and flinched. As they were in the hall Tyler let go of her hand and Rose was searching through her bag trying to find her wand through her mess of other things like gum, pencils, and books. Just then as Rose was distracted Kyle was walking up as quickly to not make Rose even more scared then she was. "I see you finished," Kyle said happily when he saw Rose. As Rose found her wand and she felt like someone was staring at her, she grabbed it and looked up and saw Kyles green eyes look at her in amusement.  "Well, well" Kyle smiled "who are you," he asked even though he knew Rose just stood her ground and looked at him angerly. "You jerk acting like you had no part in this" Rose growled and held out her wand ready to blast him. Tyler looked scared as she said that "wow your fisty" Kyle laughed happy until he saw her bruise. "Who did that" he pointed at her cheek "him" Rose rolled her eyes pointing at Tyler. "I can explain your majesty you see she brought a friend, and he tried to get her to go with him, and she ran in front of him as I was about to punch him" Tyler was shaking.  Rose mumbled a spell and made the room filled with a bright blue as she ran to hide.  "What was that" Kyle screamed rubbing his eyes to see clearly again. As Rose ran she opened a door and hid in a room. But who's?

(I got another finished and I like leaving cliffhangers so you have to live with my decisions hahaha)

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