Danger comes

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As soon, as Kyle realized Rose wasn't there he yelled orders for everyone to search for her. Suddenly, Rose heard the doorknob rattling, and she ran and slid under the bed. In the room she heard mumbling that sounded like, I'll always find you. She quickly put her hands on her mouth to cover her breathing. 'Why does he want me I did nothing' went in Rose's head over and over until she heard Tyler telling Kyle that she was nowhere to be found. Rose was slowly growing tired being under Kyles bed, and thought she would be stuck there forever. As the door shut again Rose thought she was safe, and slowly crawled out from the bed. To her knowledge, Kyle saw her as she rolled over on her back to get up and as she did he grabbed her wrist making it red as he pulled her up to her feet. "So that little light show of yours" Kyle smiled as Rose was gathering the courage to yell.  As Rose screamed at the top of her lungs, making the windows brake Kyle let go. "Your mean and I hate to think how your subjects think of you Rose yelled, with her eyes looking as if they were on fire. "I never thought a princess could be so feisty" Kyle chucked thinking she would be a perfect queen. Rose went to the door and tried to walk out the room but Kyle blocked her in a corner. Not knowing her own strength Rose kneed Kyle in the stomach and punched him in the eye.  That's when Rose ran out of the window she broke. 

(Mahahaha how's that for a cliffhanger also sorry if your annoyed by it but I like doing it . Anyways thanks for reading I'll post another one as soon as I can.)

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