In the wood

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As Rose set off to find the cure for Zack she couldn't help but, wonder why Kyle told her. Walking up multiple stairs she finally was in front of two giant doors that looked as black as ink. Though Rose thought it was perfect for him because she could tell that it represented his soul. Kicking them in frustration she saw that she left a little dent. Looking around his room she saw that the theme was blue and black. Going to his newly replaced window she saw that it had more design than the last one. Looking around she looked at the dark blue mixed with a light gray carpet. Grabbing a small dagger from the desk filled with piles of paper about business, and something about a plan working, and almost complete she cut the carpet. Finding a small bored in the floor that had a little keyhole in it Rose knew it was something important. Standing back up; she went looking around and wound up in a closet. Throwing shirts and pants she saw something in the corner of her eye. Turning around she found herself face to face with a dresser, carefully she opened it and found books and a pile of keys. Taking the keys she went back into the messed up room with most belongings thrown around. Going back to the floor Rose was a little relieved and felt hope bubble up in her chest. Trying almost twenty keys, Rose opened the little bored on the floor. Putting her hand in and feeling around she felt a small wood like box. Taking it out she saw it was a chest. Not caring about anything she threw the box at a wall breaking it into pieces. Running back down Rose went back into the room; remembering the book saying the plan was working. Walking back outside she hid the book in her bag and went to Zack whose face was peaceful. Rose opened a small bottle with a green liquid and made him drink it. After he hugged Rose letting her know he was okay she let Kyle out of the vines. Everyone around her seemed happy, but Rose only had the book on her mind.

(I'm so sorry it's short I am making the next chapter longer than usual to make up for this. I had to make this one short so the next one isn't spoiled. Anyways have a good day.)                    

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