What could happen

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After walking for what seemed like forever to Rose she sighed finally seeing the castle. "I'm really upset that you tried to escape" Kyle whispered in her ear sending shivers up her back. 'I could have gotten away if I wasn't doubting myself' Rose thought knowing everything that was going to happen was in Kyle's hands. Getting brought up to the all to the familiar room she sat on the bed looking down to the wooden floor. "So why did you think you could leave," Kyle asked Rose in an angered voice "I-i" Rose sighed getting her mind together before freaking out. "I thought I could because of Zack he had so much hope in his eyes" Rose silently said only above a whisper. "I told you he was a bad influence I knew I shouldn't have allowed him back" Kyle yelled making Rose flinch. "I'm sorry" Rose whispered picking up her bag lightly getting the little bird she named Fire. "Rose can't you see I'm only upset because you tried to run from me someone who loves you" Kyle sighed sitting next to her. "You make it not easy to see I get mixed up and think I love you then say I hate you" Rose got tears in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak again but was taken by surprise when Kyle kissed her. After what felt like hours she pulled back her eyes widened by her actions of what she just did. Kyle just smiled smugly "does that help" he laughed lightly before leaving. As the moment replayed in Roses mind she put Fire in a nest she created thinking about what it was about. Also about what could happen with Kyle and her.

( Sorry that it's short and late. I've been doing a bunch of work that needs to be finished soon. I also Know that its boring and I hope to be forgiven. I promise that the next chapter will be better.)

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