Chapter 59

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Khloe's POV:

I tugged the brush through my hair as carefully as possible, working out the many tangles that had formed throughout the day.

I usually brush through my hair after I get out of the shower, but Nico was adamant on coming into the bathroom as soon as I turned the shower off this morning, barely giving me time to put some clothes on.

From then on I guess I just got distracted and forgot.

I sighed as the brush caught on yet another large tangle.

Turning my head towards where Nico was, I began to gently brush it out.

He's been a bit off ever since this morning. Ever since his nightmare.

He still hadn't offered to talk about it, and I'm pretty sure that he never will.

If something scared him that much, I don't think he'd want to admit it to anybody.

He had even refused to leave the room today, having the slaves bring us all three of today's meals.

Still, he was sitting comfortably on his bed, flipping through a large book that he had been looking at pretty much all day. When I asked him what it was he just told me that it was something that he was hoping to find answers in.

And then he changed the subject when I tried to figure out what he wanted to be answered.

Which was a little weird, but I left it alone.

He's obviously going through something that he wants to figure out himself, and even if he doesn't want any help from me, ill be there for him.

It's the least I could do.

I turned my head back towards the mirror, having successfully removed that knot from my hair, and continued on to the rest of it.

The sound of Nico's book slamming shut, followed by his harsh sigh filled the air.

That couldn't be a good sign.

Still, I hoped for the best.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" I asked, looking back towards him.

His hand was held in a fist and pressed against his mouth.

"No." is all he replied, obviously feeling defeated because of it.

I felt myself slouch from his answer.

Before I could even respond there was a knock at the door.

Xander's knock.

Both of our eyes turned to the door before turning to each other.

It was obvious that Nico didn't want to deal with this right now, but he still got up from the bed.

He gestured for me to stay there with his hand as he approached the door.

"What do you want?" He asked as soon as he opened the door.

I peaked at them from behind the doorway, seeing that surprisingly, Doe wasn't with Xander.

I thought for sure that he was coming here unannounced because she was hurt again.

"Ah, yes. A warm hello to you too brother who I love so much." He replied, even adding a smile.

Nico didn't react at all from his words, just kept staring at him with that annoyed look in his eye.

It took a couple more seconds before Xander dropped the smile, realizing that whatever he was trying wasn't going to work.

"Really dude? Not even a 'Hi'?" He asked.

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