Chapter 80

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Nico's POV:

I swallowed in my newly dry throat, exhaling an almost silent, nervous breath.

Right... That topic.

I knew that we were going to have to get to it eventually, but I didn't think that it was going to be this soon.

Hell, there were a lot of things that had happened in the last twenty-four hours that I didn't think would happen.

Yet despite all that, Khloe wanted to jump right into this.

I searched her face, trying to see if I could find any hint as to how she felt about it, getting nothing but uncertainty.

Sure, I kissed her, but in my defense, she definitely kissed me back.

Which in all honesty could have meant a number of things.

I placed both of my sweaty palms into my pockets before I finally spoke.

"I did," I replied cautiously, still trying to get a read on this situation.

This was a conversation that I had only played through in my head, never actually thinking that it was ever really going to happen, let alone that I was ever going to actually kiss her.

I just didn't want to mess this up now that my chance was here.

"Why?" She asked, sounding absolutely defeated.

Her tone caused my brows to raise.

She literally could not comprehend why I did what I did.

I wondered what thoughts had come across her mind since that night.

Which seemingly impossible ideas about us had come into her head.

If the thought that I wanted her more than she could ever think to dream of had ever made itself known.

I sighed, taking a single, small step towards her, coming to the conclusion that I was just going to come out and say it.

A conversation like this deserved the truth.

I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I completely fell for you?" I asked adding a bit of nervous laughter towards the end for my own sake.

Her entire body stilled, but her heart sped up.

The utter look of barely-controlled surprise stayed unmoving on her face for many seconds.

I felt nervousness churn in my stomach more and more with each passing silent second, feeling the sudden need to pour my entire heart out and tell her everything from the beginning.

That is if I even knew where to start.

"W-What?" She finally responded.

There was no disdain or disgust in her voice, just pure shock.

Like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Not that I could blame her. Even I could admit that this whole thing seemed pretty unbelievable.

So, I guess I had to somehow make it more believable.

"Khloe," I fought my urge to take another step towards her, figuring that having some space during this conversation may be the best thing, despite how much I wanted to feel her and hold her, "I couldn't tell you exactly when, or exactly how, but I fell for you. I-"

I cut myself off and looked away from her, not at all sure what to say.

I wanted her to understand at this moment what she meant to me, but I was still cautious.

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