Chapter 67

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Khloe's POV:

I felt as if I was on the verge of tears the moment the castle came into my view.

It wasn't much longer from this point.

It was so close I felt as if I could just reach out and touch it.

Being in the state I was in, I didn't decide to waste the energy to try.

As we got closer, I managed to make out the large group of slaves that were waiting at the front of the castle.

No vampires, just the slaves.

That fact made me a bit sad.

I kind of wanted Nico to be the first person Id see, but apparently the slaves were going to be the ones returning us to our Masters.

My heart sank at the realization that I would have to power my way through all those stairs before getting to Nico.

The thought of that made me rest my head against the bars, taking in a deep breath.

I could barely walk straight how was I supposed to do that without at least making a complete fool of my self?

I lifted my head back up, now telling myself that I could power through.


I had only a little hope that it would actually work.

I hadn't even realized that we were at the castle before the jolt of the car coming to a stop completely messed up my balance.

Holy crap we're here.

That fact made any patience that I had left completely fly out the window.

The vampires in charge made their way back to us much slower than I think was necessary before they pulled us out one by one, handing their leashes to a slave before coming back to grab another.

I watched in envy as the slaves led the pets into the castle, taking them back to their Masters.

Luckily it didn't take long for them to take me.

I walked with my head down off of the trailer, not even looking to see who the slave taking me was.

I wanted to save up the rest of the energy that I had.

And my newfound excitement to finally be home was only giving me the smallest boost.

The walk was silent between me and whichever slave was walking with me until we reached the inside of the castle, away from any of the vampires.

"Khloe are you ok?" the slave asked me.

The shock of both hearing my name and a familiar voice made me snap my head up to see who it was.

When I did, for some reason I felt insanely relieved.

Marcus looked at me, concern written all over his face.

He could obviously see the exhausted look in my eyes and most definitely noticed that I was walking like a drunkard...

He was even offering his hand to me for support.

But some part in the foggy and insanely tired part of my mind was so happy to see him again that I just wrapped my arms around him instead.

He seemed surprised but still returned the favor by wrapping his arms around my lower back.

"Yeah," I replied quietly, "Just really tired. Gosh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you."

Marcus was probably one of the people I was closest to besides Nico.

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