Chapter 69

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Khloe's POV:

I glanced up at the numerous stars and the crescent that shown in the night sky as Nico spoke to our driver.

I wondered why he decided to take me here of all places.

Behind us was a small, yet fairly tall hill with a dirt path that lead to the top.

I think I remembered this hill being the one that was very popular for camping when I was younger, yet no one else seemed to be around.

I placed my hands into my very warm jacket as I turned to face it, feeling the slight breeze that this night had.

Excitement was still taking over my mind, wondering what Nico had planned and mentally begging him to hurry up his conversation with our driver.

A smile came to my face as I turned to see Nico coming towards me as our driver drove away.

"Am I allowed to know what we're doing here yet?" I asked as he reached me.

He chuckled.

"Not yet," He replied, setting his arm around my shoulder as we began to walk up the path, "Just a little longer."

I reluctantly accepted his answer, leaning my head against him for a short moment before I began to examine the surroundings.

Even though I had always wanted to visit this place when I lived in the city, I never got the chance because, well, many different reasons.

I had been told, however, that this place flourished with many different kinds of plant life and wildlife all throughout the year. Not to mention the astounding View of the city that it gave.

And well, from what I could see through the darkness and the small patches of snow on the ground, they were correct.

I could see numerous white and light colored flowers in bloom all over.

Even the bare trees with snow lightly dusting their branches looked beautiful with the light of the moon shining off of them.

A white rabbit jumped out from one of the bushes and into the path, startling me and even Nico.

We paused as it just looked at us for a second before dashing away.

Nico and I exchanged a look and a laugh before we continued walking.

The walk was relaxing. Peaceful even.

More and more of the city came into view as we got higher and higher up the hill. The few lights coming from the houses of people who weren't yet asleep looking like stars themselves.

I let out a very long, relaxing breath, looking towards Nico to see if he was as relaxed as I was.

He did seem very calm. The look on his face told me that he was thinking his own thoughts about what was around us.

I turned my eyes back to the path, leaning my head against him.

Even though we haven't even gotten to the place Nico was meaning to take me, I was already enjoying myself.

All of these things that I had been missing out on ever since I got caught. And we only sometimes left the castle casually, so this was nice.

Although I doubt it would be as enjoyable if Nico wasn't here.

Nico's hand moved to rub against my upper arm.

"You're not cold right?" He questioned.

I shook my head against him.

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