Chapter 63

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Khloe's POV:

The room where the cages were was a fairly large one. It resembled a garage with its cement walls and floor.

This too was different from my previous visits, as was the pungent smell of bleach that the room contained.

The cages were set in a horseshoe shape around the room and were pretty much the exact size that I thought they would be.

Eight feet across, four feet back, and about five feet tall. Just barely enough room for each of us to have a little room to ourselves as long as we were sitting down.

All of us had been placed into the cages, and since It wasn't that late yet, A couple Vampires were walking around us, watching to make sure we weren't going to try something that they wouldn't like.

As far as I could hear, no one was. All I could hear was the quiet chatting amongst the pets.

No one had stepped out of line yet.

Doe and I each sat across from each other, facing each other from the far edges of the cage.

She sat hugging her knees while I sat crisscrossed.

It was pretty cold in here, but luckily not as cold as it was outside, although the chilled metal that we were sitting on wasn't really helping us warm up any time soon.

I turned my head to face the outside of the bars as the Vampire walked passed us, obviously not really paying attention to anything in particular.

I wanted to keep my mind off of missing Nico as much as I could in order to make this trip go by as fast as possible.

So, I turned my head back towards Doe, figuring that this would probably be a good time to get to know her a bit more.

Apparently, she had the same idea because she beat me to asking the first question.

"Whats it like," She began, lifting her head and resting it on her knees, "being Nico's pet?"

I stayed silent for a moment, just looking at her while I tried to think of a way to answer that.

There was a lot that I felt like I shouldn't say. Compared to what her life is probably like, my life must seem like a paradise and I really didn't want to seem like I was bragging in any way.

Plus... I didn't really know how much of our relationship I should share.

"Its... a lot different than I thought it was going to be. It started off kinda stressful, but as time went on, I've figured out that his pretty lax with most things as long as I stay out of his way," I explained.

Doe hummed as she leaned back against the cage, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"He treats you differently than his other pets," She said, "Well, at least, as far as I've seen."

This caused my eyes to widen.

I had just realized how much of Nico's past she had seen before me.

"Really?" I asked, "How?"

I honestly had never really thought about the fact that Nico had owned other pets before me, besides that time she was brought up because of the blood moon...

"Well, Xanders only had me for about two years now, so I've only seen two of Nico's other pets," She paused for a moment, thinking over something, "I guess he just didn't pay as much attention to them as he does to you. I've seen how he treats you at meals and in his room. How he always makes sure that you're safe and comfortable and how he tries to fix the problem whenever you're not," She stopped again, shifting her eyes to the floor and tightening her fists," I've witnessed first hand how protective he is of you. He never acted like that with any of his other pets."

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