Prologue 4 - Jisung/Han

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Jisung was itching to read the note in his pocket, the words practically calling to him as he fiddles with the necklace he has on his neck. The necklace he hides from the workers, by shoving it under his pillow, the object that belonged to his mother, before she passed away.

Her passing made his behaviour different than before, and his father, the one who changed the most, shoved him in this place. The act made him angry towards everyone in the place, but only made him top three of the longest in the "Learning Room."

However, knowing how he works here, Jisung could only wonder how long the pill boy spent his time here. He felt fine after taking the pill, unlike feeling like a drone and brain dead from the one they normally get.

He could only focus on the yelling from outside his room now, the continuous cries escaping someone from the room as they sound in absolute pain. His mind could only fathom on what was happening as the feminine voice enters his room from the outside.

"I didn't mean too. Please, why can't we be ourselves? You made us this way. You made me do this!" Her voice sounds strained, sounds like she's chocking. Jisung almost got up to help her, almost. But he knew he couldn't, it would end badly for the both of them.

He knew more pain would happen to her, and he would just be inflicted with it. He curled up into a tight ball as the screaming and crying continued, his hands covering his ears as he mutters softly to himself.

He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to hear what goes on in this place. He doesn't want to live in such a distasteful and routined place. The abuse, the control, all of it becomes too much.

Especially when your own family sends you to such a place. Which is what happens to everyone who arrives here.

They didn't obey their planned out life.

(A/N: Here is Jisung's prologue. There are only 7 more, but I hope you're enjoying this. If there is anything that is misspelled or without proper grammar, please tell me. And please tell me if there is anything I can do to make this story better, even if we're only on the prologues. Thank you!)

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