2:: Party

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"Hey were you listening to my and that chicks talk this morning?" I ask Austin as we sit at our table.

"Yeah, why?"

"What did she ask me again?"

"If you could go to Trevor's party with her and pick her up," he nods his head at Trevor.

Party huh? I wonder if Taylor would go. Has she made any friends here?

When I look around the cafeteria I don't see her anywhere so I stand up.

"Where you going Justin?" Trevor asks me as I stand up.

"To check on my step sister." I say.

"You have a step sister?" Noah says as he takes a bite of his burger.

"Yeah well soon to be step sister and she's the new girl." I smile at them.

"She's your new step sister?" Austin asks and I nod "You can't get with that." he laughs and I chuckle. "What's her name?"

"Taylor." I say and he nods with a huge grin on his face "Well I'll be back." I say and try to walk out of the place but hence the word try. Right when I'm about to open the door Kelsey blocks it well I think she's Kelsey.

"Hey baby!" she says in her high pitched voice. God her voice is fucking irritating. "Where you goin'." she rocks on her heels with her hands behind her back as she bats her eyelashes at me.

"Outside." I say and she walks closer to me.

"You wanna go to the bathrooms with me instead." she puts her arms around my neck and stares at me.

"Not now Kelsey." I say and push her off lightly.

"My name is Vanessa!" she squeaks. Oh shit. I swear it was Kelsey, they sound the same don't they. She huffs and slaps me then stomps away.

Well that could've gone better.

When I make it outside I see other students doing there work and talking but one person sticks out. Sitting on the curb alone I see her dark clothes and the smoke coming from her. I guess she's smoking.

I walk over to her and sit next to her. When I look at her face I see the bruise on her cheek along with a black eye and a cut lip.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim in a whisper.

She looks at me and offers her cancer stick to me silently and I shake my head.

"What's so what the fuck?" She says as she takes another puff and blows it out.

"Last night there was only a bruise on your cheek but now there's a black eye and a cut lip." I explain and she just shrugs and puts on some shades. "You're going to tell me at some point." I say and we just sit there in silence. "You know there's a sign that says you can't smoke." she shrugs.

"What's your name?" I see Matt ask Taylor and she looks up at him.

"Something I don't give to strangers." she says and takes another puff before throwing it on the ground and stomping it out.

She gets up to walk away and he yells to her "I'm Matt." and smiles as he walks off to wherever.

When I walk back into the school people are heading to class but Taylor is just sitting in front of her locker with black beats on.


"How was your first day Taylor." Mom asks the minute Taylor steps into the house, which should I mention is two hours after I showed up. I came home right after school which ends at 3 but takes 15 minutes to get from school to here.

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