The Shadowing

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No one knew why I was such a rebellious child. Always getting into trouble at school. Always hanging around with the bad boys. Well as bad as they could get when you were about seven years old. But I never even knew what a true bad boy was until I met The Shadowing. Stuff high school, exams, college, university and settling down. I was in the big world now with the real ass kickers! And boy was I enjoying it! I took a completely different look on life. It was all about being true to The Shadowing and to your self. Not caring about what people think of you but being able to teach them a lesson if necessary. I put all my make-up; hair accessories; hair stylers; dresses and all the other girly things I owned up in my loft. Then I revamped my room taking a minimalist look. Thats when people started noticing things about me. How my wardrobe was now considerably smaller and how everything was black. Only jeans, cotton trousers;tank tops; hoodies; t-shirts and shorts. Then there was the fact that I didn't give two shits about my appearance any more (according to my mother this wasn't a good thing despite my opinions). THen toning out my figure so I was slightly more agile and more physically fit than boys in my class was not acceptable. Then I should do more with my hair like get it cut more often or have it bleached blonde. Scrapping it back into a ponytail was not good for my hair or face.

But I didn't care about what my mother thought, it was all part of becoming a member of The Shadowing. Leaving your old life behind and swapping it for something more dangerous and exciting than before. Even if it meant you had to give up some of your most precious things in life, things that you hold dear like your friends. My mum also complained about that, the lack of female friends, apart from lexy. She was a member of The Shadowing. To you girls this might sound like hell so far. But trust me being with The Shadowing definitely had it's perks in the form of Jack Henderson and Danny Sherman. Wow those boys were real bad boys let me tell you. They were absolutely hell on earth. Gorgeous in every way. Then there was the fact that all the other girls in your year were completely jealous of you and your male friends. You became a member of the most feared group in school, so feared no one would even sit with you in class or the canteen, let alone talk to you. The last non- member of The Shadowing who pissed a member off ended up in hospital for three days with a cracked rib and punctured lung. That was another down point of being with The Shadowing. Your second home was the hospital. I've only been with The Shadowing for a year and already I am constantly covered in cuts, scratches, bruises and broken bones. Nose twice (Tommy and David)... No three times (Jack). Right arm broken (Lexy) and fractured (Danny). Left arm broken (Carlos). Right leg broken (double twist kick), left leg twice (Levi and Jack). Oh and I've twisted my ankle and wrists too many times to could and remember how each one happened. Then there is the bullet wound (Courtesy of Jack the sex God of all Sex God's). Thats when my parents totally flipped and turned me into the most boringest person ever! Then they found my gear which I was hiding in my wardrobe. I never made that mistake again. You might be thinking what's wrong with some gear. Well when you're in The Shadowing there is almost always something to make your parents go crazy about.

Guns, bullets and rubber pellets. Along with a HUGE first aid kit and three pairs of durable boots. You can imagine the reaction. I was put under house arrest, threatened and I couldn't even speak to my beloved Shadowing any more. But when you're as beautiful and clever as I am you can get around your parents rules. No amount of rules could stop The Shadowing as their rules were: 1. There are no rules 2. Any rules that are made by other people are made to be broken. We were unstoppable. I was unstoppable. And our story is only just beginning.

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