Chapter 4: Out On A Date

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We reached the restaurant at two. Jack had just taken me around London, to wherever he wanted to go. We talked a lot about the scenery and when he came here with his parent when he was younger. It was nice, just right, I felt easy around him which was weird. Jack had booked a table at a grill house. The waiter took us to a table for two away from the crowds, the busy and booming with university students. It must have been good as every table was full of hungry eaters. The kitchen was open and we had a good spot so we could see the chef’s cooking the meat over open fires and in pans. Flames sprouted everywhere. Engulfing the meat, making the whole restaurant smell heavenly. I took in a deep breath of the powerful aromas. The students laughed loudly, there noise filling the air. “You know that is one thing I never want to do!” Jack shouted above the screaming. “Do what?”

“Go to university. Mind you I would never pass the tests anyway.” I smiled, I guess I wasn't the only one who had fallen behind on my school work. The waiter came over and took our orders, I had a burger and so did Jack. We talked and talked for ages, learning things about each other that we had never even considered talking about before. “You know this is my first proper date.” Jack looked like he was about to spit out his coke. Luckily for me and my dress he swallowed his drink quickly before it went everywhere. “Your fucking joking me. This is some sort of windup right?” I shook my head in disagreement. “But you went out with most of the boys in our year.” Not like you. Yes maybe I had a history or two of bad matches but you are different. Your a challenge, unlike the other boys. And when I see something I want I must have it. “Just because I have a long list of Ex’s does not mean I have been on any dinner dates. There was one once but it ended with me throwing a glass of juice over him and shouting that it was over. So technically it doesn't count.” I tried to forget about that. The worst period of my life.

“I take it he was a douche bag. So that was your only dinner date?”

“Yeah, I mean I have been to the cinema with guys too many times to even remember, but it always ended after about the second month. Frankly I’m surprised some of them even lasted that long.” He smiled once again. I braced for the impact of his snide remark.

“I guess I will just have to be very careful not to get on your bad side and take you out on any movie dates. “ Just as I was about to comp off his head the waiter walked up to us with the biggest burgers I had ever seen, full of all the toppings and meat any dinosaur would ever want to eat. He set then down onto the table as he gave an over friendly smile to me. I thought better of the remark. “Thanks, Jason, how has your evening been?” I asked the waiter as sweetly as I could, battering my eyelids all the way. “Great thanks, I hope you enjoy your meal, madame.” He walked off slowly swaggering away, he looked back once over his shoulder. I gave him a cute little wave as he, once again, smiled at me then disappeared into the kitchen. Then I turned to look at Jack. He face fell and had disgust written all over it. “Did you just hit on the waiter?”

“So what if I did? You shouldn't make snide remarks like that or you will have to suffer my wrath of beauty.” Without realising it we were leaning closer together over the table. We were only inches away now. I could smell his cologne. Trying not to look suspicious I took in a deep breath trying to remember his smell. It was one smell I would love to wake up to in the morning. “I cant wait, Hayden, I cant wait…” Then he gave that cheeky smile that I loved, leaned back then took a mouthful of salad. Oh that bastard! One day I would break his nose or something. But I decided right then to wait until his bullet wound was healed do he had a little bit of a chance to retaliate. He wasn't wearing a sling any more, that had been discarded this morning as soon as we entered the hotel room. We talked more about family life. Always about me. Whenever I asked a question about him he turned it back on me, leaving me wondering how he even did it. We ate more, sharing a big bowl of ice cream for pudding. It was the best ice cream i had ever tasted, because I got to eat it with him. He took a spoon of chocolate and moved it towards my mouth indicating for me to eat it. How could I resist? It was chocolate ice cream! I wrapped my lips around the spoon and ate some of the ice cream, trying desperately hard to look sexy. My eyes held a gaze with his. He was smiling, when was he not smiling today? His eyes shined many mesmerizing colours. It was hard not to stop my heart from melting, just like the ice cream left in the bowl. I removed my mouth off the spoon. There was still a little left on their and without thinking he ate the rest. He kept the spoon in his mouth for a little while. He was a natural.  I never knew eating ice cream could have so much sexual tension, but it was definitely there. “You look so hot when you eat. I don't know how you do it.” It burst out of my mouth. I couldn't stop it. Jack burst out laughing. “You look so hot all the time. I cant keep my eyes off you and that dress!” Then I laughed. It was so awkward that it was funny, it was also funny that we liked each other but we did nothing towards it. We didn't need to. Soon enough something would happen. I was sure of it. Once we had eaten our ice cream (he insisted that he feed me the rest) Jack asked for the bill. Jason came over to deliver it and set it down in front of me. I smiled sweetly back at him. Then he winked at me and walked off. Peering down at the bill I saw the his name was scribbled at the bottom along with a mobile number. “Crap date? Call me x Jason” I read the note out loud to Jack. He burst out laughing. Again. “And you got a wink, you must be like super hot in the real world. I mean you were super hot to me but other guys must think so too!”

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