Chapter 2: Owl Is A Go

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“Call in the group, we need to get ready. Tell them to bring everything. These shits must know who we are, so much for trying to be illusive. Meet us in Gun Hill, we have the guns with us. Owl is a go!” Jack’s voice was stern. I had no idea what was going on, I had never had this happen to me before. Turning around on his heel Jack paced up to me. The colour of his eyes had changed to a dark black, it scared me but the feeling of want was still there. “Hayden I’m going to need you to stay focused for me tonight. If I tell you to do something, no matter how shit it might sound, you have to do it. Even if it means leaving me behind but I seriously hope it doesn't come to that. This has happened before, luckily we spotted them early so we could act. After a scrabble around we sent them packing. Please just promise you will do this for me.” The sparkle was slightly back in his eyes but the darkness was still there. I nodded as thought of leaving him behind. Cowardly running into the safety of the trees. Never getting to see his face again. No, I wasn't going to leave him and that was that. I was going to fight, even if it meant I lost my life.

Placing his hands on my shoulders I looked up into his eyes. “Thank you Hayden. Tonight is going to excite you but its also going to be your biggest nightmare. So be prepared for anything but I wouldn't be sending you out there if I didn't believe you were ready. Everything we have taught you you need to use tonight. Now could you lay out the guns, we are going to need to suite up.” As usual I wasn't listening. But I did catch the last sentence, the guns. Must do the guns. Still I was waiting for Jack to release me, but every second I thought he was going to his grip grew stronger. Eternity's later the expression on his face had changed, a sort of smirk grew across it. Slowly sneaking out from within him. Steadily my brain had registered the fact that we had been edging closer to each other all this while. Now I was so close to him. Casually his hands had slipped down from my shoulders and were working their way down my arms. “No Levi, I totally kicked your ass back there!” Lexy and Levi were back. Her giggling voice tinkled through the harsh air coming off the sea. “No Babe, it was more like you were kissing my ass.” She giggled once again. Then a weird kind of snogging sound came from behind me, it was extremely disturbing. Relief surged through me as I realised I didn't have to look at them. Because I was still staring up at Jack. He seemed completely oblivious to the people making out in front him. His hands now had reached my wrists and were just about to reach my hands when he pulled away from me. Had I done something wrong? Had I got the wrong signals? Did he not like me? I looked up at his face again, tracing his line of vision. My eyes settled upon a bewildered pair of lovers. Both with the same expression on their faces. Shock. Lexy’s mouth was practically on the floor. Levi’s eyes were as wide as they could go. They looked like they were possessed. I wouldn't have been surprised if they were. Trying not to cause any suspicion, even if it was too late for that, I backed away walking towards the bags to organise the guns. Lexy followed me trying to catch up with my long and angry strides. It would be impossible though, because when I wanted to I could be one fast cheetah. “Hayden what the hell was that all about, between you and Jack?” Lexy started helping me load up the guns. I methodically put cartridges in each semi-automatic pistol and gave it a spare so the owner could reload. “Honestly Lexy, I’m still trying to figure that out myself.”

“So are you and Jack dating?” No we are fucking not dating you little brat! Do you think I would be standing here right now if we were? Just because you have ‘the perfect relationship’ doesn't mean that everyone elses life was so simple! “No, just friends.”

“Yeah right, whatever you say!” Her cockyness was getting to me now. “Lexy what is your problem? Just drop it ok!” Her expression then changed. She didn't look so sweet and innocent anymore. I wondered if Levi knew the real side to his ‘babe’? Swiftly Lexy raised her hand as if to slap me. Luckily for me I was one step ahead and raised my arm, my hand clenched in a fist, above my head blocking where she was about to hit me. “Oh I wouldn't go there if I was you Lexy. I’m not in the fucking mood for all your bullshit today!” I was hissing at her now through gritted teeth, all the anger boiling up inside me. She moved her arm back down to her side, getting the message. If there was one thing that I had learnt about being part of The Shadowing it was that you had to stand up for yourself. That you had to earn respect and respect each other. But Lexy always pushed everyones boundaries, she wanted attention and would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. Finally I had finished the pistols and was now working on the snipers and shotguns. We were lucky I had thought to bring the extra ammo today otherwise we would be practically defenseless. When all the guns were done I turned around to find the paint-balling guys back. Carlos shot me a smile. His beautiful tanned skin and short dark hair shone in the moonlight. He said something to the boys then walked over to me. “Hey, you ok?” His voice was deep, it was the type of voice of a businessman. He got that trait from his father. “Yeah, I’m good. How was the paint-balling?”

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