Chapter 1: Introducing The Sex God

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No movement. The cameras were showing nothing. Just the pitch black emptiness of a sleeping house, well almost sleeping house. Finally! Those sadistic idiots had gone to bed. I don’t understand why they worry about me so much. Seriously it isn't like I couldn't defend myself if I got into some shit. And it isn't like I’m creeping out at night to do drugs or kill anyone (not purposefully) or meet some sex craving boy (six boys actually, one of which is a complete sex God by the way, but he doesn’t see me like that). And I’m definitely not selling myself on the streets. The laptop shut without making a sound. Just perfect. I placed it on the floor then climbed out of bed. As easily as the nights before the window opened letting a breeze of fresh air race into the room. A shiver ran down my spine, it was going to be cold out on the marshes, better take three layers to put on just in case. The last thing you need when you are at the top of your game is hyperthermia. Kneeling down onto the floor I rummaged around under the bed. The three bags were deep in the pit hidden under masses of jumpers, bags and shoes I never wear. Why does my mum buy all that girly stuff for me? Doesn't she understand the concept of wanting to keep a certain image? Sure if we were on a cover Op they would be appropriate. But we only do them once a month, that’s about all of us can handle when it comes to blending in. Then the black leather handles of the three bags came into my grasp and I snatched them up, tugging them out from the abyss. They had to be hidden up; otherwise my parents would go even loopier than last time. That was definitely bad enough. The bags were full of black jeans; cotton trousers; tank tops; t-shirts; hoodies; shorts and boots. Then there were the guns. Completely legal of course. You couldn't forget the bullets, rarely used, after that incident they were pushed aside but kept as a memoir of greater times. Now we use sponge pellets. The worst thing that could happen with those is if you scream ‘Ow’. The others had the rest of the gear we like to share out the responsibility of looking after it all.

I slung the bags out on the roof of the extension then followed. Why didn't my parents think to lock the window? They obviously have no idea about anything. It’s like they don't even know their own daughter. My blonde ponytail started blowing around in the wind ferociously as I stood up breathing in the cool air. Then I outstretched my arms taking in the sensation of feeling free. Images started popping into my head. They were of me standing on top of a skyscraper in New York. The NYPD all standing on the ground with a big bouncy castle for me to jump onto. A crowd was gathering at the base gasping at me, their phones out at the ready to film my death wish. I could hear a woman behind me trying to coax me off the edge of the building. But it was dead loss as I completely ignored her. I shuffled closer to the edge just by a centimeter or so. Took a deep breath. Then dropped. It was beautiful as all the air and smells swirled around me. Engulfing my soul. Taking my life straight out of the palms of my hands. The colours flashed past me of bill boards and signs. The crowd was going wild praying that my life would some how be speared.

“Beep beep!” Cautiously I opened one eye and looked in the direction of the noise. Yeesh, they got here fast. I couldn't even finish my day dream until the end. Sometimes The Shadowing spoiled all my fun. I kicked my bags off the roof then took a few steps closer to the edge. Then I jumped. In the air I did a double somersault just to show off a bit to Jack. Hopefully he would be watching then smirk at my cockiness. I lived for Jack’s attention. He was the one that suggested that I join up to the gymnastics club he is in. Then I took up Karate with the rest of the group as well. It was great fun and it made my parents a bit more pleased to see that I was taking an interest in something. Slinging the bags over my back I walked out of the garden, then out onto the street, where the convoy of Land Rovers were waiting my arrival. I opened the door to the back Land Rover then shoved in the bags with brutal force. I love my late night rendezvous with The Shadowing; they are always up for anything. “Oi, watch it!” Argh. There was that beautiful voice I had been waiting to hear all evening. Then that same person outstretched his beautifully tanned arm in my direction. I could see all of the veins running down his arm to his hand. As he grabbed onto my wrist I saw the muscles flex inside of him. Pure beauty. Then I was pulled into the Land Rover, snapping me out of my little dream land and back into the real world, with The Shadowing.

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