Morning Person

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"Amara? Amara!" Amara came back to consciousness by the delicate shaking of her body and whispering in her ear. With freshly opening eyes, Amara got a blurry vision of Thor. As she blinked away the blur, she saw he was dressed.

"What? What is it." The words came out groggy.

"Come on. Get up," he urged.

"Why," she turned to reach for her phone. "What time is it?"

"Four thirty."

This woke her senses entirely. "You better be kidding me," she said in a dangerously calm voice that prompted an amused smile from Thor.

"Get dressed."

"What the hell for?" Amara looked outside and frowned at the midnight blue canopy outside.

"To see the sunrise."

She turned to him. "It's still dark out."

"It won't be by the time we get there."



Amara sighed and plopped her head back on the pillow. The call to see the sunrise beckoned her but the comfort of the bed and embrace of the sheets was more desirable.

"I promise you it's worth it."

"Everything and beyond this better be worth it," she monotonous said, staring up at the ceiling.

Thor waited as seconds went by. "Oi!"

"I'm up." Amara rose up. "I'm bloody fucking up," she muttered.

Thor snickered to himself as he left the room.

A/n: Next chapter coming son (next week). I'm sure it'll be the last one but I just love writing this couple. Thanks for reading. Vote and comment.

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