The Switch - Chapter One

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My boy Jensen up here ^^


After trying to concentrate long and hard on finding the right key to fit in the damn hole, I finally managed to get the darn thing unlocked and swing the door open, making a loud bang as it hits the wall, causing me to chuckle to myself. I stumble in, trying to keep my balance as everything felt like it was spinning.

Weeeeee!! It feels like I'm on the merry-go-round!

"Jensen? Is that you?" a voice spoke, the sound of heavy footsteps walking into the pack house living room. Looking up, I found the same old bag that is my mother. Gosh, when did she get so fat?

As soon as she saw me, her usual scowl came upon her ugly face. "I can't believe this! Your drunk! Again!"

"Woooow, n-nothing gets by you."

"You watch your tongue with me, Jensen Kingsley," she snapped at me. I just rolled my eyes and mumbled a 'whatever' before roughly pushing past her and making my way upstairs.
"Jensen! You get your ass back here this instant!"

I growled angrily. "Look woman, I'm tired, alright? I just want to go to bed and prepare for the hangover I will have tomorrow. I don't need your nagging and irritating voice making it worse for me."

"I am your mother, you need to start showing me some respect," she continued to bitch.

"I'm sure that's all Darren wanted too before you and daddy dearest drove him to death with your fucking judgmental and critical selves."

I didn't see it coming. Maybe because the fact that I was particularly seeing double, but even with the numbness that came with the whiskey I had guzzled down not even an hour ago, I still felt the sting that came with the loud and vicious slap upon my cheek.

I had to grab a hold onto he wall in order not to lose my balance and fall. I growled out in anger, only because this is not the first time she has slapped me.

"How dare you say that to me," she whispers. I finally managed to look up, trying to see straight again and managed to catch a glimpse of the tears in her eyes before she turned around and walked out of the room.
Yeah, this is not the first time that has happened.

Trying to pushed back the slightest remorse I feel for that women, I made my way to the staircase, practically dragging my drunk ass up the stairs. I had fallen into he wall multiple times, each time getting more lost in my drunken state, that I didn't even realize when I bumped into a something, causing me to stumble back.

"The fuck?" I mumble, trying my damn hardest not to fall on my ass. I managed to stay on my feet, giving a sigh in relief before a voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"You really need to stop treating your mother like that. She did nothing wrong." I had looked up, only to come face to face with the fucking head dick of this joint. In other words, the Alpha.

I just glared at him, clenching my teeth. "You should mind your own fucking business, Montgomery!" I spat, not giving a rats ass if he is my Alpha or not.

Montgomery chuckled humorously, before taking a step forward and taking a challenging look into my eyes. "It becomes my fucking business when you wake up half the house, including myself, with your fucking drunk ass that never knows how to use his inside voice."

"Oh, well I apologize for waking you from your beauty sleep. I know how much you need it... a lot of it actually. Actually, you know what- hic- maybe you should go see Rhona. I'm sure she can give you a new face."

The Switch (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now